pegasus colors

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    Dappling on any color is cool. When I groomed the heck out of my buckskins hind quarters, she use to dapple up nice. It was unusual but everyone always made comments to me that, “well, boy, isnt she clean?!” But if dappling isnt a pain in the butt, that would be cool to do for any production color.


    WolfenMachine wrote:

    (by the way, don’t google-image search the word “Horse” 😯 😯 *goes to watch Full House and Little House on the Prarie*

    😯 Yikes! I know what you mean! I did that a few months ago without the “safe search” feature on, and I was forever scarred. I had no idea people could be so perverse! πŸ˜• Now, suffice to say, the safe search is on, and I alsways double check when I type in the word “horse”!


      😯 😯 😯 😯


      Heres what I mean when I said my buckskin could dapple up nicely when she was groomed to perfection. It’s more subtle on her than a grey dapple, but her hindquarters and butt are nicely dappled here, even under an incoming fall winter coat.


        Is that you, PT?? πŸ˜‰


        lamortefille wrote:

        Is that you, PT?? πŸ˜‰

        Yes, from 1986 and close to Halloween which explains the purple streaks up by the bangs in my hair if you can make it out.


          PhoenixTears wrote:

          lamortefille wrote:

          Is that you, PT?? πŸ˜‰

          Yes, from 1986 and close to Halloween which explains the purple streaks up by the bangs in my hair if you can make it out.

          Nah, I can’t see the streaks. Nice picture…you look so pretty and happy: -)


          lamortefille wrote:

          PhoenixTears wrote:

          lamortefille wrote:

          Is that you, PT?? πŸ˜‰

          Yes, from 1986 and close to Halloween which explains the purple streaks up by the bangs in my hair if you can make it out.

          Nah, I can’t see the streaks. Nice picture…you look so pretty and happy: -)
          Thank you. Youre very sweet. Yes, those years were the time of my life and ANY time spent with her (my favorite horse ever I had), was like heaven no matter what we were doing. She is (I still talk about her in present tense because I believe in spiritual energies) one of the best things that has ever been bestowed on me.

          I was 16 in that photo and Im 37 now, so I dont quite look the same! πŸ˜†


          This is the photo of the Arabian I talked about. And how I like her rich chestnut body with her flaxen mane and tail. Great combination and throwing it in for suggestions for future hoofer colors.

          And yes, that is me riding her (Amber) and I am 21 at this time.


          PhoenixTears wrote:

          lamortefille wrote:

          Is that you, PT?? πŸ˜‰

          Yes, from 1986 and close to Halloween which explains the purple streaks up by the bangs in my hair if you can make it out.

          Yikes…I was 1 years old! πŸ˜€


          PhoenixTears wrote:

          Heres what I mean when I said my buckskin could dapple up nicely when she was groomed to perfection. It’s more subtle on her than a grey dapple, but her hindquarters and butt are nicely dappled here, even under an incoming fall winter coat.

          Very pretty picture, PT.
          A lot of horses dapple. I heard somewhere it means they’re well-fed and happy and healthy. Not sure if that’s true, but our Haflingers dapple too.


            eaglefeather831 wrote:

            PhoenixTears wrote:

            lamortefille wrote:

            Is that you, PT?? πŸ˜‰

            Yes, from 1986 and close to Halloween which explains the purple streaks up by the bangs in my hair if you can make it out.

            Yikes…I was 1 years old! πŸ˜€

            I was 21. πŸ˜€


              Melody wrote:

              Do horses normally come in plain grey without dapples? I saw one once, but he had a reddish mane and tail, and a black face. He looked cool, though. The other color I love … I think it is really a dark liver chestnut. It looks like a black horse, but with a golden mane and tail.

              I think your particular “Dappleless Grey” may have been one of the roans, Umm I actually have found it hard to find a true grey that’s dappled myself, I mean not one that’s almost all greyd out. My mom wants a “True Dappple Grey” if they exist!! SIGH!! help me πŸ˜• I think a Dapple and Greying out look
              different though.

              But your “Black and flaxen” colour you can look up a breed called the Black Forest Horse. Here are some pic’s & Links




     (This site says it’s under construction)

              Five breeds you’ve (probably) never heard of

              I also used to have a few other sites of actuall breeders(that were in English) but I can’t locate them now πŸ˜•

              Edited to add this, not a Black Forest but still similar colouring and interesting info on Colour Genetics

              Recent breakthroughs in colour genetics


                emerald212 wrote:

                eaglefeather831 wrote:

                PhoenixTears wrote:

                lamortefille wrote:

                Is that you, PT?? πŸ˜‰

                Yes, from 1986 and close to Halloween which explains the purple streaks up by the bangs in my hair if you can make it out.

                Yikes…I was 1 years old! πŸ˜€

                I was 21. πŸ˜€

                I was 11. πŸ˜€


                  Serenity wrote:

                  emerald212 wrote:

                  eaglefeather831 wrote:

                  PhoenixTears wrote:

                  lamortefille wrote:

                  Is that you, PT?? πŸ˜‰

                  Yes, from 1986 and close to Halloween which explains the purple streaks up by the bangs in my hair if you can make it out.

                  Yikes…I was 1 years old! πŸ˜€

                  I was 21. πŸ˜€

                  I was 11. πŸ˜€

                  I was 22 and newly married πŸ˜€



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