pegasus colors

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      Maebnus3 wrote:

      Barrdwing wrote:

      The photo of the horse/zebra hybrid is really interesting. Although there were a lot of people on that site saying that it must be photoshopped, I don’t know . . . maybe it isn’t. I was going to say that if the dam were a paint, then perhaps the pigmented areas on the foal would show the zebra pattern. But I’m not sure how the paint gene is passed along, so maybe not. What an interesting idea for a PYO, though! πŸ˜›

      It is real, but not usual. And the dam was a zebra for that one. Reuters has a video of it (may have to watch a short commercial first), and even they say it’s not normal coloring for the mix; they’re normally stripey all over. Wikipedia mentions the theory that the stallion might’ve been piebald or skewbald… (gibberish to me, to be honest… I think horses are pretty, but know diddly about coloring).

      I’m not concerned with which one, really, but would like to see another color available for the pegasus.
      When I went to Snopes to check it out the article they linked to said the mother was a horse and the sire was a zebra. Wonder which one is right.


        The inaccuracy of the media is both fascinating and troubling… I found separate places that name the parents (Eclipse & Ulysses), but they mix up which is what species too. πŸ˜•

        I found the press release from the zoo! The Babelfish translator doesn’t quite live up to its name (HHGttG whoo!), but the article refers to the parents as “the fiery horse Hengst and the Zebra girl”.
        If anybody with some German knowledge wants to take a look to verify? It’s here

        It really doesn’t matter to me either way, but now I’m just super curious to find out the truth.


        Id about sell my soul for a Buckskin colored pegasus first (then unicorn). The best horse I ever had- or ever ridden (and thats thousands upon thousands) is my late buckskin. A medium 15.3H, when she entered the english Grand Prix ring, ppl snickered… until the beep sounded and she turned it on, cruised and soared over anything.

        Dont get me started for I could go on forever. Nam knows exactly the horse Im talking about and how much I would do to have one colored like her. The fact she’s passed is why Id want a pegasus version first (wings, angel and all). A true buckskin without any pinto or paint in it is what Id really hope for and do just about anything for. I miss her very much. I know a lot of us are animal lovers here, but this is one of those ultra, extra special spiritual relationships Id had with this very special horse. Nothing had ever compared prior or since, to our relationship.

        OK, enough sap… which should equal an enormous squeak)!


        I know what you mean about the bond with your horse PT. That is how I feel about my TWH. He’s a tri color and only 14 3 hands but he is the best trail horse I’ve ever ridden. And the best equine friend I’ve ever had.
        I took a nasty fall a few years back and he refused to leave my side. Even when the noisy ambulance and EMT workers got there. My son in law finally got him to leave with him only after they had me in the ambulance and out of sight.
        Last summer we went swimming with the horses. Scout went out with the rest just fine. Unfortunately unlike the rest he simply went under and didn’t come up! I got off asap in case my weight was a problem
        (it shouldn’t have been but we get crazy when it’s our horse, lol)
        Basically he made a u-turn under water and headed back to high ground. He was fine once his head was above water. Amazingly when I asked him to go back out he went without even hesitating! Don’t worry we only went belly deep πŸ˜‰
        Now my friends refer to him as ly sea horse πŸ™„ :Dm

        I think a paint (obviously) or a buckskin would be awesome as a Pegasus. Buckskin first please 😳 πŸ˜‰


          I could handle a solid colored buckskin… that nice dark golden color with the black stockings and main and tail. I have seen a few buckskins that were breath taking beautiful!!! πŸ™‚


            If your looking for a more solid gray like color, take a look at the Grulla color, its blue/gray or mouse gray dun / buckskin color and truly stunning. Plus the shade varies from a kinda very dark all most blue black with lighter highlights to one that has a little more bronzing on the hairs. All so has all the classic dun markings, with the ears being edged in black, the dorsal strip and zebra striping on the legs, the mask on the face, the silvery guard hairs on the mane, shoulder Striping. Its my favorite dun color. If ya do any in a dun color I’ll have to have em all, most assuredly.

            (I showed horses for 7years and was in the American Buckskin association, I miss my horses)


              The buckskin color pattern with autumn color wings would be my pic…white wings would be ok too, but an autumny color scheme (bronzy golden orange to reddish tips, perhaps with green interference paint…sigh…) would excite me alot.


                Buckskin would look good with the same colored wings if not darker with strips of gold or bronze and blues or blacks…. ?


                Grullas are cool looking equines! During this past winter horse show season down here in FL, there was a Grulla in some Jumper classes. Again, as with my buckskin, ppl more expected to see that color variation in a western ring, so they didnt give it much credence to being able to jump 4’6″+ fences… until it did! She swirled her horse about, it stayed quite focused and balanced, and though she didnt win, she did very well. Horse had a nice flat disposition too. If I see her and her horse around for this quickly approaching winter horse show season, I’ll try to snap some photos of the horse since it was rather striking.


                  I could SOOOO see a pegasus family in this buckskin color!!!


                    Or the unicorns….I would buy the whole set! πŸ˜€


                      Oh man, same here!!! πŸ˜€


                      It’d finally be something different from the white and blacks that everybody else does.


                        Melody wrote:

                        Serenity wrote:

                        I don’t know if anyone has asked this question but will there be any new pegasus colors??? Like a bay family or a paint family??? πŸ™‚

                        I’m begining to sound like a broken record , but that is something else I’ve been meaning to get to and haven’t had time. I wanted to do buckskin pintos, because I love that color combo. Dapple grey would be the best, but way too hard to paint. Do horses normally come in plain grey without dapples? I saw one once, but he had a reddish mane and tail, and a black face. He looked cool, though. The other color I love … I think it is really a dark liver chestnut. It looks like a black horse, but with a golden mane and tail.

                        YEP you definitely have to clone yourself… πŸ˜†


                          Melody’s “To Do” list must be a mile long by now. πŸ˜†

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