Pearl Tea Mermaid

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    I was wondering, does anyone know if all of the pearl tea mermaids been sold on ebay? They are gorgeous, and they have been going for low prices, so I have been keeping my eye on them. I know there are 9. A girl can dream right? lol Thanks for any info. 🙂


      I don’t remember seeing pearl tea numbers 8 or 9 getting listed. Last one I have record of (and that I found doing a forum search) was number 7 that ended on Sept. 21, 2009.

      I’ve been keeping a sort of eye out because I really liked them and would have liked to get one myself.


        I don’t think they have either. I don’t recall seeing 9 of them. I think they haven’t finished several things. The Grizzly Bears aren’t done either. I thought one would make a good birthday present, but it’s a little late for that now I guess. 😕 Still want one though. 🙂


          While we are on the subject – does anyone know about the little tortoise sculpt? I remember it was BIN item and that 30 were made but I only remember 1 -17 were listed. Did I miss the rest of those guys to? (sorry th hijack 😳 )


            No the second run of Tortoise never came out.


              The second run or Tortoises are still unpainted. I keep asking Melody to make some albino ones, but she says they would look too creepy.

              Pearl tea mermaids #8 and 9 disappeared (I think there was something wrong with them and Melody didn’t feel like replacing them–why don’t you bug her to finish them).

              The rest of the bears are just sitting here. Waiting. For something. I don’t know what.


                Good to know. Thanks for the update/info Pam! 🙂


                  Pam Thompson wrote:

                  The second run or Tortoises are still unpainted. I keep asking Melody to make some albino ones, but she says they would look too creepy.

                  Pearl tea mermaids #8 and 9 disappeared (I think there was something wrong with them and Melody didn’t feel like replacing them–why don’t you bug her to finish them).

                  The rest of the bears are just sitting here. Waiting. For something. I don’t know what.
                  OMG! I’d love an albino tortoise 😀 . I’m all for a ‘creepy’ white tortoise 8).
                  Or how about purple ones…..

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