Pearl Gold Sun Dragon

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      WolfenMachine wrote:

      *drool* *pants* SHAKE, ROLL OVER, PLAY DEAD! πŸ˜†

      EXACTLY but I do not think I would be PLAYING dead!!
      He is beautiful!!
      Olympia does know what she is doing.
      I wonder if she is moving to Oregon with Windstone??


        Kyrin wrote:

        Maybe we’ll get lucky and they will make this a production color, though personally I would really like to see some blues.

        Purpledoggy, how are you doing hon? How is Danny and the baby, everything ticking along okay?

        I’d LOVE to see this as a production color also


        White has never been a color I particularly liked on Windstones, but this guy is gorgeous.


          the whites where so WHITE that maybe it would be nice to get these dragons out to the world??




            I would LOVE to see white dragons with more gold
            The original white ones are VERY white I would LOVE to see them with more gold on them like this one


              Personally I’d like to see the Whites with a silver, but then again I generally prefer silver to gold anyway


                He is stunning! 😯

                I love the white dragons.


                I don’t like the white dragons much. But, this one is really cute. Good luck to any going after this one!


                  He reminds me of popcorn! Or thick marbleized vanilla pudding.

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                    Did anyone notice that the title is wrong…they forgot the “L” at the end of pearl. So really, he’s a pear. I thought it was a new colour I hadn’t heard of πŸ˜† πŸ˜†


                      Jennifer wrote:

                      He reminds me of popcorn! Or thick marbleized vanilla pudding.

                      Oh yum…..


                      Jasmine wrote:

                      Did anyone notice that the title is wrong…they forgot the “L” at the end of pearl. So really, he’s a pear. I thought it was a new colour I hadn’t heard of πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

                      I saw that, and expected him to be green and white, like a d’Anjou pear. πŸ˜› I like him better the way he is.


                        Barrdwing wrote:

                        Jasmine wrote:

                        Did anyone notice that the title is wrong…they forgot the “L” at the end of pearl. So really, he’s a pear. I thought it was a new colour I hadn’t heard of πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

                        I saw that, and expected him to be green and white, like a d’Anjou pear. πŸ˜› I like him better the way he is.
                        Mmmm…juicy pear dragon! Hopefully you don’t have to peel him to enjoy him 😯


                          Dragon Master wrote:

                          I wonder if she is moving to Oregon with Windstone??[/color]

                          No, she is not. She may be working from a remote location, though, kinda like Nam does.

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