
Peacock Spectral on ebay

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  • #491294


        My very last Windstone 🙁 is now on ebay: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=002&sspagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT&viewitem=&item=120128322978&rd=1&rd=1

        You never know, you might get lucky and get him cheap 😉


        hmmm i may just have to bid on him on the last day..dunno yet 😈


        Well, even though I am over run with peacocks….I couldn’t resist at 99 cents….so let the bidding begin. Hope you get more that what you are expecting, so you can add it to your new house fund!!!! Good luck!


        They’ve been going for decent prices, so I think you’ll get your money back, LIH. That’s a good picture of him, too, btw.


          I actually borrowed the picture from Astral Castle, WITH their permission 😀

          But it’s exactly like mine, one of the brighter colorful peacocks, and photo credit is given to them. They actually provided the HTML code which turns into a line of text giving them photo credit and a link to their website, very neat.

          I don’t have a camera and didn’t want to wait to borrow one to start the auction.

          And thanks keschete although, hopefully, it won’t say low too long 😆


          Tja, I didn’t read the auction again – just looked at the picture. Nice Spectral anyway. 😀

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