Hiya Miss Melody! Was wondering… I know that the old green and old brown dragons were originally issued without a felt pad. Did the peacock dragons always have the felt pad or did some come “felt-less”? Thankies!
Becky, I want to say that the peacocks were released after felt pads started going on stuff. The reason is, when I bought my original old green dragons new, that and brown were the only colors available. At least, as far as the retailer knew! And they have their felt pads.
The store had a few of the old animals as I remember. If only I’d known to buy them!
That’s kinda sorta what I thought… but wasn’t sure 😀 I think I saw the peacock family before the green and brown. Or maybe I just noticed them first because blue happens to be a color I love; the greens are just as lovely (S favorite color 😀 ) We are on the look out for a brown family as we seem to be being over run by griffies – not a bad thing in it’s own right. ‘Course S and I keep waffling back and forth “windstones? or down payment on our own house?” Decisions, decisions :p :bigsmile:
Hiya Miss Melody! Was wondering… I know that the old green and old brown dragons were originally issued without a felt pad. Did the peacock dragons always have the felt pad or did some come “felt-less”? Thankies!
tdm 🙂
This is the sort of thing I am NOT good at remembering, but I am pretty sure the Peacocks were invented after we started using the grey felt pads, so they should all have them..