Peacock Coiled Mother Dragon

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      Blackdesertwind wrote:

      Good luck with the auction! Hope your finances get better and that you can keep selling Windstones in your store.
      PS: if I had a store and sold Windstones I would drool every time a new piece would come in. πŸ˜†

      you don’t even know LOL I always want to keep everything I order πŸ˜€ but then my hubby reminds me that I have to sale it. what’s really hard is looking back on the retired and now rare items that I’ve sold in the past I’ve been a dealer for over 5 years so I’ve had things like the real jade dragons and not even known it 😯


        enchantments wrote:

        Blackdesertwind wrote:

        Good luck with the auction! Hope your finances get better and that you can keep selling Windstones in your store.
        PS: if I had a store and sold Windstones I would drool every time a new piece would come in. πŸ˜†

        you don’t even know LOL I always want to keep everything I order πŸ˜€ but then my hubby reminds me that I have to sale it. what’s really hard is looking back on the retired and now rare items that I’ve sold in the past I’ve been a dealer for over 5 years so I’ve had things like the real jade dragons and not even known it 😯

        πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†


          Ooooh, she’s pretty! Wow, I hope she sells for alot!


          I certainly understand and everyone should take a deep breath…these coiled moms seem to be very rare. Personally I have a white that I have had since new and several forum members told me the piece could actually go for as much as $300. So ebay seems like a very fair way to get the best price.

          I am going to be watching your auction for sure and may possibly be in the running for her….I really want an emerald coiled mother….but….I am sure they are harder to find than the white and peacock.

          Good luck….list her for a lot of days, she will do great! Ohh and you gotta do what you gotta do…..


            keschete wrote:

            I certainly understand and everyone should take a deep breath…these coiled moms seem to be very rare. Personally I have a white that I have had since new and several forum members told me the piece could actually go for as much as $300. So ebay seems like a very fair way to get the best price.

            I am going to be watching your auction for sure and may possibly be in the running for her….I really want an emerald coiled mother….but….I am sure they are harder to find than the white and peacock.

            Good luck….list her for a lot of days, she will do great! Ohh and you gotta do what you gotta do…..ahhh you have a white I love this little dragon in white, well I love my peacock too I’ve just run into some (lots) of money trouble and need to let some stuff go.

            Thanks everyone for understanding!


            enchantments wrote:

            ahhh you have a white I love this little dragon in white, well I love my peacock too I’ve just run into some (lots) of money trouble and need to let some stuff go.

            Thanks everyone for understanding!

            Here she is…click on pic for larger image:


              oh pretty I’ve always liked the coiled and I now like the curls better than the motther coiled I think it’s the gold egg I don’t like. If she had a stone I think I would like her better but then I know I wouldn’t sale her πŸ™‚


                Well Enchantments,
                πŸ˜€ Your coiled mother is doing good! I’m happy for you. If it keeps going higher, that should help.
                Hope you get more then what you expected…that would be a nice surprise!


                I hope the sale helps your out, enchantments. And I hope you don’t miss her too badly when she’s gone. πŸ™


                  I’m super happy about the price & I think I might add to the listing if she goes for $300 or more I throw in the Claw-foot piller that I’ve displayed her on. It’s the short claw-foot piller candleholder that windstone made & this dragon just looks so good sitting on top of it. I’ll see how e-bay goes & if she get’s close to $300 I’ll add that, but I don’t think I can add pictures πŸ™


                    πŸ˜€ Congrats Enchantments for getting a really good price for her and congrats to bidder # 5 Dragonslairtreasures for winning her.
                    πŸ˜₯ I’m so jealous… πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†
                    But maybe I’ll get my chance at a white one or an emeral. πŸ˜‰


                    Congrats to enchantments for that awesome price! And wow, DC – congrats to you too on winning her.


                      😯 πŸ˜€ 😯 I’ll miss this dragon but I know she’s going to a good home! Plus she’s going with her little “display” stand that work great for her. 😯 πŸ˜€ 😯 Now I have room in my case for my rainbow family! So now all my Windstone’s safe behind glass.


                      What did it go for?


                      $304, if I remember right. A lot. 😯

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