
Peaches!! Pics!

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    ariankentara wrote:

    LOL! 😆 I might not be the greatest cook but if it’s small enough to fit in a microwave I’m set for life, making brownies on the other hand…I’m lucky I didn’t kill myself. That christmas party didn’t end well. 😳 To this day no one but my boyfriend will eat my cooking. 🙄

    I have a friend who swears that one of these days she is going to replace her kitchen appliances with vending machines. She Hates to cook 😆


    khat7 wrote:

    ariankentara wrote:

    LOL! 😆 I might not be the greatest cook but if it’s small enough to fit in a microwave I’m set for life, making brownies on the other hand…I’m lucky I didn’t kill myself. That christmas party didn’t end well. 😳 To this day no one but my boyfriend will eat my cooking. 🙄

    I have a friend who swears that one of these days she is going to replace her kitchen appliances with vending machines. She Hates to cook 😆

    I actually like to cook, it’s just that nobody trusts me. If I let it slip I’m cooking dinner everyone calls the next day to make sure we’re still alive. 🙄


      Kyrin – perfect answer! I’d start with jam or jelly, too. Very simple. The tip I have for getting jelly to set is to add a little lemon juice while the pectin is boiling (the 2 or 3 mins. it takes to cook it) and to seal the jars a bit quicker, I make sure the lids are on really tight and set them upside down on the counter for 5 mins or so. The hot jelly against the rubber seal warms it nicely and then when you turn them rightside up they nearly always seal immediately 😀

      About engineers… My hubby is one and has a seriously high i.q. 😯 but sometimes his people skills are a bit ‘wonky’ 😆

      twindragonsmum 😀



      ariankentara wrote:

      khat7 wrote:

      ariankentara wrote:

      LOL! 😆 I might not be the greatest cook but if it’s small enough to fit in a microwave I’m set for life, making brownies on the other hand…I’m lucky I didn’t kill myself. That christmas party didn’t end well. 😳 To this day no one but my boyfriend will eat my cooking. 🙄

      I have a friend who swears that one of these days she is going to replace her kitchen appliances with vending machines. She Hates to cook 😆

      I actually like to cook, it’s just that nobody trusts me. If I let it slip I’m cooking dinner everyone calls the next day to make sure we’re still alive. 🙄
      Sounds like they like to tease you 😆 I love to cook too, but there was this one time….I made a sponge cake but accidentally used baking soda instead of baking powder 😳 Came out like a Frisbee with a hole in the middle 😆


      twindragonsmum wrote:

      Kyrin – perfect answer! I’d start with jam or jelly, too. Very simple. The tip I have for getting jelly to set is to add a little lemon juice while the pectin is boiling (the 2 or 3 mins. it takes to cook it) and to seal the jars a bit quicker, I make sure the lids are on really tight and set them upside down on the counter for 5 mins or so. The hot jelly against the rubber seal warms it nicely and then when you turn them rightside up they nearly always seal immediately 😀

      About engineers… My hubby is one and has a seriously high i.q. 😯 but sometimes his people skills are a bit ‘wonky’ 😆

      twindragonsmum 😀

      WONKY 😆 😆 😆


      ariankentara wrote:

      LOL! 😆 I might not be the greatest cook but if it’s small enough to fit in a microwave I’m set for life, making brownies on the other hand…I’m lucky I didn’t kill myself. That christmas party didn’t end well. 😳 To this day no one but my boyfriend will eat my cooking. 🙄

      We should dredge up the old cooking hazards thread….Like the time Ski got blood cake batter ALL over the place?? and the “Don’t fry bacon nekkid” thread…LMAO


      foxfeather wrote:

      Dragon87 wrote:

      Kyrin wrote:

      Because hot liquids and cold glass don’t get along too well.

      As my uncle (who’s an engineer by the way) should have figured out when he tried to barbecue in a glass top barbecue in the winter…. *shatter* 😆 You think he’d have known better, being an engineer and all… 🙄

      Speaking as someone who has a brother who is and engineer…… They’re good at book smarts and obscure things but practicallity is sort of… well.. not high on their list of skills! 😛 I had to teach my brother how to make soup, you know, the kind that go ‘pop tab, place contents in bowl, microwave till warm’

      Sounds about right. Although since my bro had to live on his own (he’s a chem engineer) he learned the basics of cooking… mac and cheese, ready-made soup, and grilled cheese…. that guy makes AMAZING grilled cheese… perfect every time… mmmmmmmmmmmm *mind trails off thought*


      Nirvanacat13 wrote:

      Dragon87 wrote:

      Kyrin wrote:

      Because hot liquids and cold glass don’t get along too well.

      As my uncle (who’s an engineer by the way) should have figured out when he tried to barbecue in a glass top barbecue in the winter…. *shatter* 😆 You think he’d have known better, being an engineer and all… 🙄

      Pssshhh we’re engineers, not thermonuclear physicists!
      😆 That’s funny!

      Thank you Kyrin! My hubby wants to learn how to can, but right now it’s not practical since we have little to no room to store them! 😀


      Whoa!! Frying bacon nekkid…… 😯 hmmmmmmm, now THERE’S a *very* disturbing mental picture; time to poke the mind’s eye out once again. LMAO
      My husband used to can his own spaghetti sauce. One year before the groundhogs and deer discovered our garden, he put up like 100 quarts. It lasted us just about up to the next garden. He gave it up because we can’t keep the damned varmints outta the garden, so we don’t get enough tomatoes to make canning worth while.
      Not to mention that is waaaaaaay too much like work. 😆
      And don’t get me started on the engineers thing…. 😈


      tasgrs wrote:

      Whoa!! Frying bacon nekkid…… 😯 hmmmmmmm, now THERE’S a *very* disturbing mental picture; time to poke the mind’s eye out once again. LMAO

      That would hurt, I’d think! *pop* *ouch!*


      Kyrin, you mentioned, before you moved to Idaho … I assume you mean that it was there that you learned to start canning the excesses of growing seasons.

      Who or what got you started? Self taught or learn from another in their kitchen?


      Hoofer wrote:

      Kyrin, you mentioned, before you moved to Idaho … I assume you mean that it was there that you learned to start canning the excesses of growing seasons.

      Who or what got you started? Self taught or learn from another in their kitchen?

      Well when I was in Calif I did do jam occassionally, but it wasn’t often I got my paws on that much fruit.

      What started me canning here in Idaho was when I planted a garden the first year and the cucumber plants went nuts! I had so many cucumbers I didn’t know what to do with them, I gave a bunch away, but I still had hordes. So I decided to pickle them, pickled a bunch, but still had a ridiculous amount, so I made sweet relish, still had too many, so I made dill relish. I have lots of both relishes still, they go great in potato salad, etc.

      I figure I have no good reason to buy relish for a long long time.

      The spaghetti sauce from last year was due to my friend Betty’s sister Mary planting waaaaay too many tomato plants. We canned 58 quarts of spaghetti sauce and 16 qts of salsa, and we ended up tossing out about 50 lbs of tomatoes that went bad or froze before we could get them canned, tell you guys just how many tomatoes there were? Sadly she did not plant any tomatoes this year, but her plum, pear and peach trees are keeping me busy.

      I think I shall make some plum jam this weekend, before my plums go south. I am going to have to break down and do the pears too, and I don’t wanna…whaa!

      I’m pretty much self taught, with some advice from my Mom, Betty and a nifty canning book Mom got me.



        I hate doing pears but I do LOVE the end result. We’re doing plum jelly this weekend too! Also plum sauce for mushu pork and roast duckling. Yum!

        twindragonsmum 😀


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