
Participate in my daughter's Kindergarten Class?

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        Greetings all!

        I have a 5 year old daughter, Alegria, who is currently in kindergarten, and her teacher is putting together a fun little surprise for the class. I thought I’d post this just to see if anybody has a moment to participate.

        The teacher, Ms. Corkle, had each child color and decorate a little paper gingerbread person. She had them displayed on the classroom wall for a couple of days, and then took them down, hid them, and told the kids they had all run, run away (just like the story)! Now, they are running all over the world, and people are sending the classroom postcards of “gingerbread sightings”. πŸ˜†

        Anyway, I just wanted to post this here on the off chance that some of you who live outside Arizona, USA would have an extra few moments to drop my daughter’s class a postcard. The idea is that they receive cards from all kinds of places (you know, the touristy type cards that name the locale) telling a little summary of the sighting, something like this:

        Hello, class! I heard your gingerbread friends ran away. I think I saw one today, at the______/in the ______ / doing _____. I tried to catch him/her but s/he ran away!

        That’s just kind of a formulaic example, please be as imaginative and detailed as you like!

        Cards can be sent to:

        Sonoran Sky Elementary School
        c/o Miss Katie Corkle
        12990 North 75th St.
        Scottsdale, AZ 85260

        So if you have a moment and feel inspired to do so, we’d greatly appreciate a little postcard πŸ˜€ They’ve already received a few from different US states, and even ones from China and New Zealand XD Anyway, I know Miss Melody has fans all over the world so I figured no harm in asking if anyone would like to contribute.
        Thanks, everyone, for reading! And my sincere gratitude for anyone who does send a card!!

        EDIT: I was mistaken, it’s not the cardboard cutout gingerbread kids the class decorated that are supposed to have “run away”. The teacher had 2 little stuffed gingerbread dolls – one boy, and one girl – and THEY are the ones who “ran away”. I have asked her if she can get me a picture of them to post here πŸ˜€


          You wouldn’t happen to have a photo of your daughter’s cookie, would you? If you do, I can print it out and make it look like it’s playing in the foot of snow I have in my yard. Wouldn’t she be tickled to think her cookie ran off to build a snowman?? πŸ˜€


            Ha! That sounds like fun! I’ll look for a postcard when I’m out tomorrow, though it make take a while to get there! πŸ˜€


              Aww thats cute! I will send one from Houston πŸ˜€


                Hehe! This is cute! I’ll send one from Northern NY. πŸ™‚


                  I will try. I’m near the Space Center and Disney World, hmmm the Space Center is more unique but little kids and Disney, maybe I should try to get two.


                    Sounds fun! πŸ™‚


                    How cute! I’ll see if I can send one.

                    While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


                      I sent one today! I hope the kids get it before school breaks for the holidays. It’s coming from Calgary Alberta πŸ˜€


                      You live in Scottsdale? I was there a couple weeks ago to visit my husband’s parents! We drove all the way from Iowa!! I should have posted here, and I thought about it, but I didn’t. πŸ™
                      Anyway, I will try to send one as well!!


                        Many, many, many thanks to each and every one of you who are sending a card!!!! I will be in my daughter’s class next Thursday (12/16) to volunteer and I can’t wait to see the cards that have come in πŸ˜€

                        I really appreciate it. *feels all warm and snuggly being a part of this friendly group* You guys are like fleece jammies, hot chocolate, and a toasty fire on a cold winter’s day! πŸ˜†

                        Thanks again,



                          Will get one out from Idaho πŸ˜€

                          twindragonsmum πŸ˜€



                            I mailed one Thursday. Hopefully it should arrive before Christmas break πŸ™‚


                              Their last day of school before break was Dec. 17th, Lokie, but I’m sure it’ll be there when they get back to school!!

                              I got a nasty sick bug and couldn’t volunteer on Thursday, so I still haven’t had a chance to see what cards arrived πŸ™„ But I am keen to check them out once I get back in the classroom in 2011! Thanks again, everyone.

                              And yes, eaglefeather831 (and anyone else) if you’re coming down Scottsdale, AZ way, feel free to drop me a pm and let me know so we can meet! I always love putting a face to a name and meeting fellow enthusiasts!! :yes:

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