Parliament of Owls

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        Hi Melody!

        I was wondering what is the story behind the Parliament of Owls candlelamp? What types of owls are these? I think I know what a couple of them are, but I’m not an owl expert, so I thought I’d just ask. This topic may have been covered elsewhere, but I can’t find it. If it has, maybe someone can direct me to the proper thread.


        Good question, star. That’s one of the four still-in-production candlelamps I still want to get. I just think it’s kind of misnamed – parliament is French and means “talking.” And those guys don’t look like they’ve said a word in their lives. 😆


        Greater Basilisk wrote:

        Good question, star. That’s one of the four still-in-production candlelamps I still want to get. I just think it’s kind of misnamed – parliament is French and means “talking.” And those guys don’t look like they’ve said a word in their lives. 😆

        I so love this candlelamp– got one for my godmother a year or so ago and was tempted to keep it. 😀 And “parliament” comes from the name given to a group of owls, I’m thinking, kinda like a murder of crows, or pack of wolves 🙂


        Oh that’s right! I totally forgot the zoological context. But I still think it’s a misnomer. 😆


          Like a Murder of Crows is accurate? The English language is a bizarre thing. 🙂


          I love the names of animal groups, like parliment and murder and gaggle ^_^


            You guys are too much!!! 😆

            Hope we hear Melody’s version of the story soon 😀


              I could see where “parliament” would be accurate. The owls all sit around and ask each other “Who? Who?” Sounds like a parliament or congress to me, all looking for someone to blame. 😀


              😆 😆 😆 That could be. And the murder of crows could come from aggressiveness. (You know how many movies there are where some person is put in a cage and left for the crows…)


                Now you’re thinking! 😉 We can make these all fit if we try hard enough. 😆


                Gaggle of geese is pretty easy – is must come from their blather…


                  starbreeze wrote:

                  Hi Melody!

                  I was wondering what is the story behind the Parliament of Owls candlelamp? What types of owls are these? I think I know what a couple of them are, but I’m not an owl expert, so I thought I’d just ask. This topic may have been covered elsewhere, but I can’t find it. If it has, maybe someone can direct me to the proper thread.
                  A “parliment” really is the correct term for a group of owls, although as far as I know, owls never group together.
                  The owls in the candle lamp aren’t accurate, realistic representations of any particular owl species, but they are roughly based on;(from left to right) a Burrowing Owl, a Snowy Owl, a Great Horned Owl( with much shorter horns than they really have) and a Little Owl.


                  I love this candlelamp, and one day will get one, it reminds me of the guardians of gahoole books.


                    Thanks Melody. I appreciate the information. 😀

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