Paper wrapped pagasus

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    In the summer…(long time ago)I ordered the mother pegasus (black) and the male pagasus (black). When they came they were wrapped in brown paper. I don’t know if this happened to anyone else or not but, when I took the paper off, the paper stuck to the mane, legs etc. I can’t get the paper off. Has this happened to anyone else? I want to get the paper off but, I’m afraid I’ll wreck the paint. Does anyone have any suggestions? (Yes I do ramble)


      yeah…happened to me too…just got the paper a tiny bit wet and wiped it off….

      just kind of wet your finger and rub across the paper…the paper comes right off and the pegasus is just fine…..


        A little saliva and some delicate nail work did the trick for me!


        Thank you now I feel dumb. Oh well, actually I did try that and well some of the paint came off. I guess it was the humidity. I’ll check them again. Maybe the paper has come off by itself. (I put them back in the box. As I have nowhere to desplay them right now). Funny the paper didn’t stick to the baby pegasus.


          Don’t ever feel dumb with this crowd…..some of us just have dumb luck. 😉 ….*shrug*


            Nirvanacat13 wrote:

            A little saliva and some delicate nail work did the trick for me!

            yeah basically….although I so can’t handle spit….not even my own….so just stuck my finger under the faucet…and away the paper went


              Mine stuck, too…esp the male. I just used some water and rubbed gently.

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