Pair of Wolf PYO's-would love feedback

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    I got a little bit of feedback on the tux when I posted him for sale, but thought I’d post them together and see if anyone has anythign to say 😀 . If you think they suck, I’d rather a PM 😯 . haha.



    I like the wings on the tux one, but the body on the other one. hehe


    dragonessjade wrote:

    I like the wings on the tux one, but the body on the other one. hehe

    haha. Isn’t that always the way!


    Yep. 😆


    Yah, me too. I think what keeps throwing me on the tux wolf is the black beard. I think if the entire area from under the eyes right to the chest were white it would flow better, but thats just my opinion. I do really like the brown guy! The blending looks great!


      dragonessjade wrote:

      I like the wings on the tux one, but the body on the other one. hehe

      ditto….I would like them with the wings reversed….

      I’d even trade for one like that….

      (cause I’m too poor to buy one)


      SOOO, the big question. how do I know what to charge for these?? I dont want to charge too much, or too little. I was thinking, maybe, I would do custom orders on wolves only. Maybe you provide the wolf and one PYO? or is that too much? that way, if anyone really did like one, they could just tell me how to do the wings. The brown turned out better body wise because he was all airbrush, the black one I did by hand and I lack paint brush skill 😕 Funny though, he’s the one I like more. I think I might metalic his wings though. donno.


        I really, really like the fur of the brown one (I’m not really convinced on the wings, but that might just be personal taste). His gray nose looks a little awkward to me. Overall, I think he is very nice 🙂


        Lokie wrote:

        I really, really like the fur of the brown one (I’m not really convinced on the wings, but that might just be personal taste). His gray nose looks a little awkward to me. Overall, I think he is very nice 🙂

        I have a thing for the rainbow wings. Don’t worry, next wolf I do I’m going for something more normal 😉

        What do you mean by the nose? Should it be a differnet color? I was wondering about that, but black seemed dull, but since it’ll be semi gloss it won’t blend in, maybe that woudl work better?


          bluepony78 wrote:

          Lokie wrote:

          I really, really like the fur of the brown one (I’m not really convinced on the wings, but that might just be personal taste). His gray nose looks a little awkward to me. Overall, I think he is very nice 🙂

          I have a thing for the rainbow wings. Don’t worry, next wolf I do I’m going for something more normal 😉

          What do you mean by the nose? Should it be a differnet color? I was wondering about that, but black seemed dull, but since it’ll be semi gloss it won’t blend in, maybe that woudl work better?

          Well, personally, I’d either possibly change the color, or a least shade it a bit so it isn’t a solid gray. The solid gray just looks a little out of place against all the warm colors and beautiful shading of the fur.

          A black nose with a glossier finish so it looks wet and stands out a little more might be nice, and not blend into the face to much. However, if your intention is to make the nose pronouced, then stick with the gray.


          I like them both, but especially the tux. His bright rainbow wings and the way the black joins under his chin — my uncle’s husky mix has a bonnet look like that and I luv the little sweety 🙂


          Lokie wrote:

          bluepony78 wrote:

          Lokie wrote:

          I really, really like the fur of the brown one (I’m not really convinced on the wings, but that might just be personal taste). His gray nose looks a little awkward to me. Overall, I think he is very nice 🙂

          I have a thing for the rainbow wings. Don’t worry, next wolf I do I’m going for something more normal 😉

          What do you mean by the nose? Should it be a differnet color? I was wondering about that, but black seemed dull, but since it’ll be semi gloss it won’t blend in, maybe that woudl work better?

          Well, personally, I’d either possibly change the color, or a least shade it a bit so it isn’t a solid gray. The solid gray just looks a little out of place against all the warm colors and beautiful shading of the fur.

          A black nose with a glossier finish so it looks wet and stands out a little more might be nice, and not blend into the face to much. However, if your intention is to make the nose pronouced, then stick with the gray.

          I think I’ll change it to black semi gloss, thanks!


          i like hte wings on the tux, and i also think they would be better on the red dog. mostly becauce the green in the red tux wings doesnt look right. a different green would be better. it could just be the lighting or the photos or my comptuer.


            dragonessjade wrote:

            I like the wings on the tux one, but the body on the other one. hehe

            Hey! Thats exactly what I was gonna say!!

            I like the blending on the brown one, but the white on the black and white one does not look as good. Esp under the chin. It looks like a mistake and draws the eyes right away… well… right after looking at the lovely wings. 🙂

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