Painting question

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      Thankies for the tips, Frozen, I never would’ve thought of that 😯 😆

      twindragonsmum 😀



      FlamingDragon wrote:

      I’ve got another painting question.
      I’ve been having problems with small spots of paint peeling off or some areas rubbing off if I handle it very much so I’m constantly having to touch up. I tried to handle the statue very little before I got a base coat on it. I have tried to follow all the tips I could find to prevent the paint from peeling and have even tried latex gloves(which made matters worse, the paint sticks to the gloves even worse than my fingers) It seems that the heat from my hands as I hold the dragon causes the dry(1-7days) paint to get soft and peel off in small spots ever now and then while I’m working on the fine details. Does anyone have any tips to prevent the paint (I’m using liquitex) from coming peeling/rubbing off?

      I use Liquitex all the time. Is this happening on just one sculpture? If so, my guess is that there’s something in between the paint and the sculpture that’s preventing the paint from bonding. It could be something from your hands (dirt,oil, etc.) or possibly mold release. Which is something that is used to make sure the sculpture doesn’t stick to the mold and comes out easily.
      If it’s happening on all of your painted pieces, check to see if it’s just a certain color. You may have a bad batch. I’ve never had Liquitex “go bad” on me and I’ve had some bottles for 5 or 6 years now and am still using them. But you could’ve gotten some that wasn’t good to begin with.


      WindstoneCollector wrote:

      I found out they show very well on a black background. The black acryllic was pretty dry when I did it, but slightly tacky. I even aked Nam about it first. I did find they don’t stick well for me on a blank sculpt. 😯 He will be up for grabs when he makes it to the finish line. 😉 LOL

      Wow! He’s really pretty even if he’s unfinished! Lovely colors!
      I heard somewhere that you can mix the Pearl Ex in with the paint. Has anyone tried it? Or does it say that you can on the bottle? I don’t have any, but am interested in trying it sometime.


        twindragonsmum – the paint is brand new and has only been stored (by me anyway) in my room (no extremes in here 😀 ) so I don’t think the problem is storage. I have no idea how how it was treated before I got it though or how long it was on the shelf at the store(an art paint store)

        sumrsnow – right now it’s only hapenning to one sculpt because it’s my first pyo so I don’t know if it’s me or the paint for sure. As for the paint, it’s the ivory black that’s been giving me the problems with peeling. The paint (all colors) does retain a very, very slight tacky feel but the black is the worst for that and it not as smooth and glossy as the red or blue paint. Could not putting on enough base coats be part of the problem too? I only put 2 on this scult, I was impatient to start putting on other colors. The other two sculpts I’ve started I’ve been taking the time to put more base coats on just in case, so I have started accents on them yet which is when the paint gets warm and soft from my holding the sculpt and the problems begin.


        the basecoats may be the problem. What are you using for a basecoat? Is the basecoat coming off too? Or is the paint just sliding/peeling off of the basecoat? If you’re getting the basecoat on too thick, it may not be getting a chance to dry/cure long enough before you put the paint on.
        The Liquitex should feel completely dry with no tackiness or drag to it. It sounds like you may be getting the paint on too thick. You might try thinning your paint with a few drops of water. (Just the part that you are using at the time, not the whole bottle or tube.) You’ll have to put more layers on, but it’ll turn out nicer that way anyway. You could also try using a hairdryer to dry the paint in between layers. That’s what I do when I’m tired of waiting for paint to dry. HTH!


        I have had paint peel off the Ki-RIn scales. Even Golden. I have sweaty hands though…They just get so hot. 😕 I have learned to paint everything but the spot I hold with…Griffins I do the cat body last, and Ki-Rin I do the body scales last.
        I do wash my hands often while painting now though, and seem to have less trouble. (I use cold water to keep my hands from being so darned hot! 😆 )


          honestly any of the paints can peel on the PYO’s.. I’ve had issues with the backs and sides of the unicorns.. and sometimes the scales on a the dragons or kirin..

          basically it comes down to being patient and letting them dry long enough..

          but I have noticed that the thicker the acrylic the more likely it will be to peel.. so I use an acrylic thinner on the thicker paints and they don’t seem to peel as much.. it does mean you have to do more coats but that’s just going back to the being more patient thing…


            For the basecoats using paint. The sculpt in question got two coats of undiluted soft body ivory black paint. I suppose the coats might have been on the generous side (and done very close together, about 1-2 hours apart) but thin enough that it was dry enough to touch in less than an hour I think. The two I’m stiil basecoating have gotten two coats of thinned white paint and 3(2 were thinned paint) coats on one and 1 on the other of their main color so far (these coats were also spread out alot more, usually having between 1-7 days in betwwen each of the coats)).


            It had been quite a while when I had issues with “Calypso” the Ki-Rin I mentioned. Perhaps 3 days. But like I said, I suffer from hot hands which usually means sweat. LOL
            I guess my advice would be to paint whatever area you use to pick up the blank last. :shrug:

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