owl crouching griffy chickies

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    twindragonsmum wrote:

    Hi Melody! One of our favorite book series to read is “The Gaurdians of Ga’hoole”. It’s about owls. We wanted to know if you have any griffy chicks that are painted like owls. We just turned 13 and think that would be a cool present to get from mum & papa! Thanks for your time.

    Ethan and Sean – twindragonsmum twin dragons 😀

    Those are defiantly great book, the parliament of owl candle lamp makes me think of them all sitting in the tree, and wondering how to capture the coal, LOL.


      Well you didn’t need my two cents, eh. =D I have the sitting one. I think Phoenix has the crouching one? o.o


      I love the barn owl griffy chicks! The big dark eyes against the creamy feathers and brown markings just make me drool. I hope there will be more like these someday! 🙂


      Me too. More griffy chicks are good griffy chicks.


      Ooo! And while we’re on the subject of cute owl griffy chicks . . . would it work to do a design based on Western screech owl babies? They’re just great big balls of black-and-white striped fluff, so maybe a design that only had a little striping would be better (not to mention easier to paint). But they’re awfully cute with their big indignant yellow eyes and those little horn-tufts. 🙂


        I have the crouching one… waiting for Kitsune to get tired of the sitting one! 😀

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