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  • #592885

    Ahh! What’s the matter with my spelling this evening?
    Make sure you post pics of the family when you get it!


    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    Ahh! What’s the matter with my spelling this evening?
    Make sure you post pics of the family when you get it!

    i plan on it 🙂 my mate is treating me to a brand new curio cabinet for my collection this week so yeah..getting injured has an upside rofl


    Haha, I have noticed that a couple of times GB. 😆


      Here’s hoping for a quick healing. And yeah, blood loss and shock make you do weird stuff…

      Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
      I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


      Dracomancer wrote:

      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      Ahh! What’s the matter with my spelling this evening?
      Make sure you post pics of the family when you get it!

      i plan on it 🙂 my mate is treating me to a brand new curio cabinet for my collection this week so yeah..getting injured has an upside rofl
      You sure have nice friends….I want to have some like that.


      Sheesh! Glad you are okay. Shirts are replaceable, you aren’t, so hopefully the GF isn’t too bent about the shirts.

      Not good that you hurt yourself so badly, but I am glad you will be okay.



      ok NOW its starting to hurt..and throb..and making me want to just cut the damn foot off lol


      OMGWTFBBQ?! i ripped mys titches out and all i was doing was sleeping! 😯


        Oh, ouch! Do you kick in your sleep! 😯 So what happens now? Do they re-stitch it? 😯


        purplecat wrote:

        Oh, ouch! Do you kick in your sleep! 😯 So what happens now? Do they re-stitch it? 😯

        yes i have to go back tonight and get it restiched and prolly get a lecture from my doc lol


          Ow!!! FOrGEt the lecture! New stitches is lecture enough!! 😯


            it’s good you got to the doctor right away. I stepped on a rusty nail once as a kid and had to go to the doctor so he could fish out the rubber sole of my shoe out of my foot. I’m glad you seem to be doing better. Can you wear something at night to prevent opening the stitches again??


              lol.. sorry I just love that last statement… I hope it doesn’t hurt too much.. they probably gave you some pain killers eh.. Heal quickly…


              Dracomancer wrote:

              ok NOW its starting to hurt..and throb..and making me want to just cut the damn foot off lol

              Wait until it starts healing and itching – that’ll be annoying, especially on the sole of your foot! I hope it heals fast.


                Holy CRAP!! I Am glad you are ok, but really… what an adventure! Blood everywhere?? You can tell teh neighbors anything you want! Stabbed an intruder.. got stabbed by an assasin… Got shot while cleaning your gun…

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