OW colours

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      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      I like the red eyes. I’m sick of blue eyes. 😆

      Or green eyes! But I don’t think green eyes would look so great on the Em Pea dragons. Orange? But I do love the red eyes. It looks so beautiful against the emeralds and golds ^_^


        How about purple eyes (not lavender but darker)? I think that would look cool!


        purpledoggy wrote:

        How about purple eyes (not lavender but darker)? I think that would look cool!

        That would work; even a dark green or a dark amber would work– I’m just not wild about red (to me bloodshot, or irritated) eyes.



          OMG I think an emerald peacock old warrior with the purple highlights and dark purple eyes would be perfect! I can dream 😉


            I actually like the Gold with the Red Eyes. It’s very striking in person. I wasn’t too sure at first, because they look a bit mean. But after I got a couple in for my store they really grew on me. It actually makes them look super-intelligent, and maybe a bit devious. And somewhat mean but in a good way. 😈 Like that. 🙂


              I was worried about the red eyes too but when I got my 23KT OW I thought they looked good but the straw eyes in the white ones would look better I think


                I think straw eyes in a gold ow would be too much yellow. I like the red eyes.


                purpledoggy wrote:

                OMG I think an emerald peacock old warrior with the purple highlights and dark purple eyes would be perfect! I can dream 😉

                I like that eye color idea. But I think the red eyes go excellently in gold.

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