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    Just an aside on the spiders……

    Did you ever walk out in your lawn at night with a flashlight, and see little bright emerald green spots? Those weren’t dew drops……
    Spiders’ eyes reflect bright metallic emerald green in flashlights. 😈 😈 *waits to see how many people highstep it across their lawns at night*


      frozendragon wrote:

      drag0nfeathers wrote:


      I need that little barfing emoticon…


      Bwa hahahahahaha!

      Got a busted Windstone?
      *OPEN for repairs*

      Arc-en-ciel Emperor
      Siphlophis Male Dragon
      Calypso Hatching Empress
      Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
      Tattoo Mother Kirin
      Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
      Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
      Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
      Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
      Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
      Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


        tasgrs wrote:

        Just an aside on the spiders……

        Did you ever walk out in your lawn at night with a flashlight, and see little bright emerald green spots? Those weren’t dew drops……
        Spiders’ eyes reflect bright metallic emerald green in flashlights. 😈 😈 *waits to see how many people highstep it across their lawns at night*



        EW 😯


          My brother and his family live in Oz on the edge of the bush… He says the hardest thing he’s ever done is keeping his cool while chasing dinner plate sized spiders out of the house so as not to pass on his phobia to his daughters 😯 😯 😯 His wife just rolls her eyes and scoops ’em up and throws ’em out… 😯 😯 😯



          In case anyone was wondering about the green eye reflection, I know this because I was taking my dog out one night, and I use a halogen headlamp so I can keep my hands free. I kept seeing these little green sparkles, and I thought they were dew….until one started moving. 😯 I do like the bigger jumping spiders, though. A lot of those have bright green eyes to begin with.
          We’ve got spiders that are pretty damned big; I wouldn’t say they were dinner plate sized, but they aren’t exactly tiny. Luckily for us, with 5 cats nothing much that scampers across the floor or flutters about the house survives very long. The other night I made my husband scoop one up in a paper towel to let go outside. I don’t like to kill them if I can help it. But this one surprised me and startled a shriek outta me. Not my usual reaction. I’d guess he was about the size of a silver dollar, including legs. 😈 The things that send me really shrieking from the room are any kind of bee or wasp. I’m allergic to begin with, and add the fact that I broke an ankle one summer because of a hornet, and there is no love lost between me and anything with wings, stripes and stingers…..I think I have a can of wasp killer in just about every room!


            tasgrs wrote:

            In case anyone was wondering about the green eye reflection, I know this because I was taking my dog out one night, and I use a halogen headlamp so I can keep my hands free. I kept seeing these little green sparkles, and I thought they were dew….until one started moving. 😯 I do like the bigger jumping spiders, though. A lot of those have bright green eyes to begin with.
            We’ve got spiders that are pretty damned big; I wouldn’t say they were dinner plate sized, but they aren’t exactly tiny. Luckily for us, with 5 cats nothing much that scampers across the floor or flutters about the house survives very long. The other night I made my husband scoop one up in a paper towel to let go outside. I don’t like to kill them if I can help it. But this one surprised me and startled a shriek outta me. Not my usual reaction. I’d guess he was about the size of a silver dollar, including legs. 😈 The things that send me really shrieking from the room are any kind of bee or wasp. I’m allergic to begin with, and add the fact that I broke an ankle one summer because of a hornet, and there is no love lost between me and anything with wings, stripes and stingers…..I think I have a can of wasp killer in just about every room!

            I know about the spider eyes because I took my flashlight up to one to see what it was. And as for the bees and wasps and hornets oh my. I understand, I’m allergic too and I have to say they’re the only thing that really scares me.


            Do you have the cicada killers down there, too? They look like a HUGE yellowjacket. Think yellowjacket on major steriods. 😯
            There was one in my master bath the other week. I heard it buzzing around the shutters in the window, looked into the mirror and saw it, and freaked out. I shut the door so hard I cracked the door molding. 😕 It sounded like a freakin’ humming bird…..gah! I kept that door shut until my husband got home. He sprayed it but it had already died. Then he takes the thing up in a paper towel and brings it out into the kitchen to show me. I shrieked and ducked out the kitchen door so fast; He thought that was just about the funniest thing he’d seen…….men……..geeeeeze. 🙄


            Colin’s allergic too, I know I was when I was a kid, but haven’t been stung since, so it possibly went away as I aged (my severe allergy to mosquitoes did). So when one’s in the house, neither of us will go near it. My brother thinks it’s a hoot. 🙄


              yeah, I understand, men aren’t to bright sometimes. ( my apologises to those of you who actually think sometimes 😉 )
              as for the other bug, no I haven’t seen them, thank God!!! 😆


                My friend thought it was hilarious about the spider… he said I should have filmed it…

                so I called a lady I went to class with so she could be icked out with me and I’d have sympathy…

                her son is terrified of spiders way worse than me… so I felt much better…

                but anything that can bite or sting or pinch… is not anything I like at all and I will spray it with as much bug killer as I can…


                  When it comes to black widows… *Ew~ Creepy little suckers* Raid does NOT work… use the Hornet/Wasp killer… That works!


                    I found the Mini Cooper Spider’s body today… apparently I either smacked it hard enough trying to get it off me… or all the bug killer I sprayed got to it…


                      So either you knocked the heck out of it OR you gased it to death… Hey! Either way its gone!


                        Serenity wrote:

                        So either you knocked the heck out of it OR you gased it to death… Hey! Either way its gone!

                        yup.. so it’s all good… 😀


                          Oh yeah! I hate knowing that they are around somewhere…. alive….

                          I start freakin when the cats are pawing at something on the floor… 😯 I’ll go and check it out… with something heavy with me to squish whatever it is…

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