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  • #716339

    Do you think it’s gone or is it waiting for an opportune moment to attack again. 😆


    Sooooo, would it be bad of me to come into this thread and complain of my aches and woes for a freebie also?


    ~Hoofer neighs, ducks and gallops off


    Shall I tell my tale from work? It gave me a very big headache. Plus, it promises headaches for me and a few others tomorrow as well….


    starbreeze wrote:

    Do you think it’s gone or is it waiting for an opportune moment to attack again. 😆

    Oh, you are evil……


      starbreeze wrote:

      Do you think it’s gone or is it waiting for an opportune moment to attack again. 😆



        Hoofer wrote:

        Sooooo, would it be bad of me to come into this thread and complain of my aches and woes for a freebie also?


        ~Hoofer neighs, ducks and gallops off

        nope… go ahead.. 😈


          Romeodanny wrote:

          Shall I tell my tale from work? It gave me a very big headache. Plus, it promises headaches for me and a few others tomorrow as well….

          my old job gave me lots of stress and acid reflux and other things… I think I could handle a headache..hehe


            Here’s another fun filled spider story….

            I was getting the coffee pot ready for the next morning and took the pot over to sink to wash out the old and fill it with water and so on…

            I get to the counter top and pop the top up… and Out comes little spider… 😯

            I yale… “Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!” I drop the coffee pot *it does NOT break* I step back *more like leap*…

            Durning this whole time I am also scaring the crap outta the cats! They bolt from the kitchen then creep back in both tails all fluffed up… with that “WHAT THE HELL???” look on their faces…

            I go back to the counter top and find Mr. little spider and well… its no longer in my house.

            I am amazed that the pot didn’t break and I laughed my butt off because I scared the crap outta the cats on accident… 😆


              I’m taking it your spider wasn’t the size of a Mini Cooper…

              mine was… 😯


              at least he looked that way sitting on my shoulder staring at me…

              ooog… now I feel all crawly again…


                nope the coffee pot spider was smaller and not a wolf spider… I hate those… I swear that they can smell fear… I have been chased by one… creepy!

                I had one try to get into my house once, I opened the door and then slammed it on the spider… it was NOT invited into my house! And that one was the size of a mini cooper… 😯


                  frozendragon wrote:

                  I’m taking it your spider wasn’t the size of a Mini Cooper…

                  mine was… 😯


                  at least he looked that way sitting on my shoulder staring at me…

                  ooog… now I feel all crawly again…

                  Mini Cooper….heehee!


                    those suckers are huge… and yes they sometimes will chase you…

                    or jump at you… they are crazy fast and don’t die when you spray them with Raid… 😯


                      That is why I used the door on that one… lol


                        We lived in a house that had a downstairs garage/storage/laundry/shower. My husband was down there taking a shower one day and I couldn’t understand why he was taking so long. I went down to ask him and all he could do was :squeak: . I looked in because he scared me and there was this HUGE
                        (monster truck) wolf spider female keeping him in the back of the shower. so Superlaurie to the resue. Spiders don’t bother me too much if I know where they are. (I like jumping spiders too Kyrin) anyhoo, I got a large coffee can (5 lbs?) and captured her and saved the day. She covered the bottom of that coffee can easily. I took her outside and let her go, but she was the biggest I’ve ever seen except for the Arizona tarantulas. 😆 😆


                          ugh.. tarantulas…

                          here you don’t usually see them unless the winter is gonna get cold…

                          then right before it gets cold you see them looking for a warmer place to go… and they are on the road and in parking lots crawling around… yuck.. 😯

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