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    WindstoneCollector wrote:

    frozendragon wrote:

    Stardust is good…

    I mean who would pass up a chance to see Robert Deniro in a dress…

    no one…

    well unless they are scared of lots of hair… 😯
    I would have to pass since he is one of my favorite mafia style actors of all time. I just don’t think I could stand seeing him in a dress. 😯 The hair wouldn’t so much bother me…I thought Chewbacca was cute in a hairy sort of way. LOL 😆

    Ahhh, but the Mafia image that he had/has, including his role in the movie Stardust, is what makes the whole dress part of it hysterical.

    The Blooper section of that movie was also hysterical. As for the hair, I’ve seen WAY worse. 😯 So it did not phase me. 😉 Of note, I’m very Italian, I have my own hairy issues. 😎



      Hoofer wrote:

      skigod377 wrote:

      Serenity wrote:

      skigod377 wrote:

      Its an old movie. One of the classics.

      OLD movie… classic… try 23 years ago!
      Holy cow… I could have gone the whole day without that information…

      I think that only works for cars. 😉

      . . . . 23 years ago?!

      Speaking of movies, any Princess Bride lovers out there? If so, I highly recommend Stardust. You won’t be let down.

      Nope, not just cars, it works with music too… everything that you listined to 23 years ago is now Classic… lol
      And with cars I think its 25 years before its classic.


        The weather all weekend has been too crappy to go surfing. Now my eyes are red from crying. Some sympathy please, while im out here in paradise.

        You know… I love Hawaii, but some of the people here could mess up a wet dream. Im so irritated with the folks here… and the neighborhoods all seem very poor. Not quite what I expected. At least the beaches are nice. 😕


          skigod377 wrote:

          The weather all weekend has been too crappy to go surfing. Now my eyes are red from crying. Some sympathy please, while im out here in paradise.

          You know… I love Hawaii, but some of the people here could mess up a wet dream. Im so irritated with the folks here… and the neighborhoods all seem very poor. Not quite what I expected. At least the beaches are nice. 😕

          weather here has been yucky too… hot then rainy.. then hot… then windy then hot…

          so basically it’s just hot and sticky…

          Hawaii is ok to visit… but living there… I don’t know.. I have a friend that’s from Hawaii… and basically he said if you’re not native people aren’t very nice to you… unless your filthy dirty stinky rich…

          and I don’t know anyone like that.. cause if I did… I’d be borrowing some money.. 😈

          the lap might not sell… so I might get to keep it… but I’m gonna have to say bye bye to my Emperor… 🙁


            Every day off I have had in the past 2 months (be it all 4 of those days) have rained non stop…except for one when it was 104 degrees all day….either way….I don’t remember what nice weather is like unless I’m sitting at my desk looking out the store window at it. 😥 I need a free windstone too, for my desk so I enjoy being inside on all the beautiful days I miss working …to earn money to by more Windstones. 😯

            In truth I have over 15,000 dollars in credit card debt from windstone alone that’s kind of crushing me 😆 Is that bad??? LOL! That’s why I have to work two jobs now. They’re like crack I swear! How much in the hole has this wonderful habit set you all back? I’m curious now 😉

            Also as far as bad days and complaints for me, I had to drop that kitty I have been trying to rehome at the ASPCA the other day. It was a REALLY nice place…but I’m still really sad and dissappointed in myself I couldn’t do more to rehome her myself after my neighbors abandoned her. Plus I HATE my new promotion at work which I guess doesn’t even qualify as a promotion as much as a position with 10 times more work and responsibliity with no pay raise to compensate for it. *grumble*

            Got a busted Windstone?
            *OPEN for repairs*

            *SEEKING GRAILS*
            Arc-en-ciel Emperor
            Siphlophis Male Dragon
            Calypso Hatching Empress
            Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
            Tattoo Mother Kirin
            Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
            Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
            Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
            Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
            Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
            Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


            Oddly enough, it wasn’t the windstones that got me a $900 credit card bill…

            But if I knew I had some money, yeesh I would be just as poor, but with more windstones 😀


              I don’t want to sit here and think how much I’ve spent on windstones, if I do I will cry.


                hmm… I have only put one on a credit card in the past year… and I’m still paying for it..

                but it’s no where near any of those…

                although I do have more than $15,000 worth of Windstones…


                  I try not to complain here in the public eye, but I’ve been having a really rough time of things lately too. :/

                  Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                  My art: featherdust.com


                  Jennifer wrote:

                  I try not to complain here in the public eye, but I’ve been having a really rough time of things lately too. :/

                  We all have, there seems to be a recession.


                  Even out west? The financial people (I’m too tired to think of what they are called) predicted that it wouldn’t affect the western provinces.

                  Not that predictions are right. Just last year they said that there would be no recession. Hum, what do you call this then?


                    Im gonna be sick. Is that worth something? I swear, im gonna barf. Im disgusted. I need to leave the forum for a while. At least until those nauseating threads go away.


                      Jennifer wrote:

                      I try not to complain here in the public eye, but I’ve been having a really rough time of things lately too. :/

                      Kinda why I started this… so we can all come to just one and say WAAAHHHH for a min…

                      and I think you deserve some cookies…

                      and if I wasn’t so poor right now.. I’d make you some.. 😀


                        skigod377 wrote:

                        Im gonna be sick. Is that worth something? I swear, im gonna barf. Im disgusted. I need to leave the forum for a while. At least until those nauseating threads go away.

                        don’t think it’s gonna happen….

                        (passes airsickness baggies…)


                          Sorry to speak up if I wasn’t supposed to. It’s not like I’m whining or anything. I usually just shut up and do what I have to do to get things done and I only complain or vent in dire emergencies. As much as we’re all hurting for money many of us are resourceful enough to find a way to get by if we have to. Whether its selling our collections or working overtime to keep them. I know when my animals are sick this is usually the most understanding place to go since most people I know think I’m crazy to spend what I do to keep my animals healthy. So if some comforting words on this forum from other members help us along the way then where is the problem? I don’t see the harm in that as long as it’s within reason. The whole world is a mess right now and I don’t see it getting much better lately. It only stands to reason that everyone is feeling it in one form or another. So there are some depressing threads. Well, sometimes life is depressing! We share lots of good times so why not bad?

                          I don’t mean to be “nauseating” anyone. I guess it was just kind of my way of saying I understand what everyone seems to be going through and instead of just saying the obvious I try to make them feel as if things aren’t so bad and so here’s what’s going on with my life it is any consolation. I can’t obviously hand out money and free Windstones to make peoples problems go away, but I can try what I can to make them feel better. I try to crack a joke now and then so things are more uplifting and not so depressing, but I wasn’t trying to gain anything by posting.

                          To be perfectly honest I have seen a lot of “woe is me” threads popping up lately. Just because some people aren’t as good as dealing with problems or have as many people willing to listen to them or console them I don’t think you should be assume everyone is trying to gain something other then a shoulder to cry on.

                          Got a busted Windstone?
                          *OPEN for repairs*

                          *SEEKING GRAILS*
                          Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                          Siphlophis Male Dragon
                          Calypso Hatching Empress
                          Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                          Tattoo Mother Kirin
                          Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                          Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                          Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                          Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                          Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                          Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons

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