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  • #716159

      Ugh… what I really hate it those little freaks with the ugly messed up cars driving down the street and all you hear is “thump thump”… and stuff on the walls rattles…

      grrr… makes me want to zap their cars with and electro-magnetic pulse… too bad those are illegal… 😈

      Cyndi Lauper is cool.. but she’s tiny… I met her at a concert we went to… she was opening…

      and wow she’s itsy bitsy…

      me and Ski are the same age… so she can’t be old…

      cause I know I’m not old…


        And… I forgot to mention…

        my toe hurts now too…

        so I need another Windstone…


        skigod377 wrote:

        Serenity wrote:

        skigod377 wrote:

        Its an old movie. One of the classics.

        OLD movie… classic… try 23 years ago!
        Holy cow… I could have gone the whole day without that information…

        I think that only works for cars. πŸ˜‰

        . . . . 23 years ago?!

        Speaking of movies, any Princess Bride lovers out there? If so, I highly recommend Stardust. You won’t be let down.


          Stardust is good…

          I mean who would pass up a chance to see Robert Deniro in a dress…

          no one…

          well unless they are scared of lots of hair… 😯


          I just realized who Cindi Lauper reminds me of….Hatchet Face from the movie Cry Baby… 😯 πŸ˜† πŸ˜†


          frozendragon wrote:

          Stardust is good…

          I mean who would pass up a chance to see Robert Deniro in a dress…

          no one…

          well unless they are scared of lots of hair… 😯
          I would have to pass since he is one of my favorite mafia style actors of all time. I just don’t think I could stand seeing him in a dress. 😯 The hair wouldn’t so much bother me…I thought Chewbacca was cute in a hairy sort of way. LOL πŸ˜†


            Stardust was ok, but I wouldnt watch it more than once. I love Goonies, Princess Bride, and Big Trouble in Little China… another classic. πŸ˜†


              skigod377 wrote:

              Stardust was ok, but I wouldnt watch it more than once. I love Goonies, Princess Bride, and Big Trouble in Little China… another classic. πŸ˜†

              Ski… YOU GOOONIE…


              just had to… 😈 😈


                πŸ˜† πŸ˜† ur silly.


                  only when I’m awake.. πŸ˜†


                  But you might even be funnier in your sleep…

                  And now my toe is all black and blue under the nail. Eeeeewwww. 😯


                    Jasmine wrote:

                    But you might even be funnier in your sleep…

                    And now my toe is all black and blue under the nail. Eeeeewwww. 😯

                    EW… hope mine doesn’t look like that… we both need a present..

                    and I only snore and fart in my sleep… so unless you find farts funny…. 😈


                    Isn’t that just your “spirits” escaping?? πŸ˜†


                      Jasmine wrote:

                      Isn’t that just your “spirits” escaping?? πŸ˜†

                      hmm… spirits sure do smell funny… 😯


                        eeeeeeeeewwww… πŸ˜›

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