
Home Forums Miscellany Community Ouch!!!

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  • #828664

      Ouch! Take care of yourself and feel better!


        Dang mum!… Broke your elbow? Ouchies.
        Sending virtual flowers and chocolates your way! maybe a band-aid or two πŸ˜‰
        Have a speedy recovery and don’t rest TOO hard. Hehe


        0_0 Sounds like something I would do… Get well soon!!!!! πŸ™‚ & Good luck for x country!! My sis is going to Mt. SAC tomorrow.


          That sound like something I would do – take care yourself


            How are you getting along, TDM? Are the boyohs taking good care of their mama? πŸ™‚


              OMG I just read this, how horrible!! You clutz 😑 lol sorry……….. but yeah, that’s awful! Hope you are healing, and managing, and getting someone ELSE to fold laundry, hang laundry, do dishes, cook, drive, etc etc etc πŸ™‚


                Thank you for your kind words… It was something stupid (as usual) was out in the back pasture with Bubba and Loki and Pixel. There’s an irrigation ditch that runs through it and just as I jumped across it Bubba decided Loki and Pixel were fairgame for chasing and all 3 of ’em got tangled in my and around my legs… the result, landed elbow first, shoulder next, then hip, then wrist and jaw. X-rays show no fractures yet except the elbow. Mostly soft tissue damage. More x-rays next week and we’ll see what transpires… and for the record, YES, I am the biggest klutz on the face of the earth. Boy have I got some stories to tell. You’d think I’d out grow it but I’m 46 for goodness sake, and it doesn’t seem to be getting any better πŸ˜› πŸ˜› πŸ˜›

                twindragonsmum πŸ˜€ πŸ˜›



                  Ow, ow, ow. Feel better soon hun!!

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