Other Pena Pieces

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    Maybe it has been addressed before, but everyone on this forum seems to be Pena Dragon collectors. At my store, the candlelamps outsell the dragons 5 to 1. Circle of Cats is by far and away my best seller. Is this a Nebraska thing, or do all of you have pieces other than the dragons?




      I have the GRyphon candle lamp… LOVE him… and REALLY want the Hippogryph too. 😀

      Someday I’ll add some of the small stone cats… and another, maybe the Dragon Wall sconce to my collection. 😀


      I only have two dragons- the seated Spectral, and the PYO. I have the Circle of Cats and Tiger, as far as cats go. I don’t really collect one particular type, just what happens to stand out to me.


      I have Maya Hill’s candle with the little boya nd his mother but I’m not a huge candle fan. It may be because the candle/sconces 1) cost less and 2) have a functional purpose so people can justify buying it a little easier.


      i totaly only collect the colored pieces (to say “dragons” leaves a lot out)! i like the bears and the bunnies and the wall sconces but i LOVE the life like dragons and unicorns and ki-rins and son on. it never occured to me that they would be OUT SOLD 5-1 !!!!


        I have all the candle lamps except the ark animals and the mushroom ring, and all the sconces but the mermaid one. I have all the pegasi in white & black, all the unicorns in white, mouse wizard, small white wizard, all the kirins, critic bookend, all the gargoyels,cats cradle, the wizard cat in peacock and emeald, both large flap cats, all 4 small flap cats, and three griffins. not to mention all my dragons 😀
        I forgot the two gargoyle eggs


          I think most of us collect other things too.

          The cat products will always sell best in general. I’d wager that at least 7/10 people can relate to cats or like them at least a little bit.

          Make a list of everyone you know. Seperate that list in two columns by: everyone you know that likes or has owned a cat at one point in life, or would want to buy a cat-item for a loved one who likes cats. The second column should be a list of people that actively collect or really love dragons.

          Compare the cat list to the dragon one.

          I’ll bet the ‘cat’ list wins! 😉

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            You said it! It has been said before, “Cat people buy.” I have many peices besides the dragons. Cats, mostly, though I just bought my first candle holder. One of the bunnies! After I saw (I think it was Frozens) one on here, I fell in love! They are also more affordable.


              I have 2 candle lamps (Griffin and Wizard’s retreat), but I don’t want to buy anymore because they take up too much room (like a dragon doesn’t!). 😀
              I go for the unicorns, and flap cats. I think though I buy several dragons for the colors and all – but I’m really not a dragon lover like some members. I think too, the candle lamps,cats, etc. go with most people’s decore and don’t scream fantasy like the dragons do. That way you can have a nice piece but it doesn’t overpower the room or make your house guests wonder about you.


                I have 3 dragon sconces but they are still dragons. I only have 1 Windstone that is not a dragon at this point in time. When I had my Windstone Find that I told everyone about I got a little peacock mouse wizard


                  I think the thing is that those who buy the candlelamps buy them because they love cats/wolves/whatevers.

                  Those who buy the dragons and unicorns are more likely to buy them because they love Windstones. And thus are also more likely to turn up here.

                  I imagine that many folks who get a cat candlelamp don’t even notice that it says “Windstone Editions” on the bottom.


                    I have some of everything, but even my sister has a couple of cat candlelamps. She isn’t into “fantasy”, but loves the lifelike Windstone cats. 😀


                    Most of my Windstones are creatures of some sort — dragons, gargoyles, griffins, kirins, frogs, and flapcats. But I also have the mushroom ring and clawfoot pillar candlelamps, the eggs with eyes/claws bookends, and all 5 of the Kinsella castles.


                      I have a ton of the candle lamps….and wall sconces….hehe….just can’t light em all at once…..

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