Opopnax Fuzzy!

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        I heard rumors that a special opoponax fuzzy sometime accompanies opoponax curlies from the main store, and was delighted to find the rumors true! Here is a picture of the elusive creature!

        Despite a somewhat sinister appearance, opoponax fuzzies actually seem to be very friendly, and a little shy. He and my curlie are good friends, as show in this pic:


          Aw, cute!! 😀


          Yes, they seem to be trying to blend in with their Windstones recently. I got an Opoponax-type of fuzzy with Xan, and my lynx-point flap-cat’s stowaway has the same pale base coat and blue eyes, although it doesn’t appear to have developed any points yet. I’m not sure if that means fuzzies don’t have points or if it means it’s a young’un. Protective camoflage, perhaps? Since the person liked the color of the sculpture they’ll also like the color of the fuzzy and give more chocolate? Or maybe it’s to aid in hiding behind Opoponax et al when you’re looking for whoever ATE all your candy!


            Interesting; so it’s not just an isolated instance, fuzzies in general are beginning to match their colors to Windstones! I wonder if the fuzzies are evolving, or simply learning some new tricks?


            StellarWing wrote:

            Interesting; so it’s not just an isolated instance, fuzzies in general are beginning to match their colors to Windstones! I wonder if the fuzzies are evolving, or simply learning some new tricks?

            *raises hand* I got an orange Fuzzy with my gold Lap…But the Opoponax Curl came with a matching black one with red eyes. And my amethyst came with a big purple Fuzzy.


            All my Amethysts came with purple fuzzies, and my brown scratcher came with an orange one (he’s now hiding in the scratcher’s wing). So I think they’re learning new tricks.

            Although, they are rather mad at me, for the lack of chocolate. They enlist the largest fuzzy creature in the house (who, ironically, isn’t a fuzzy at all, but my cat) to try and smother me with her fuzzy-like tail at night as a warning….. 😮 😈

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