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  • #599247

    Time to start selling blood again, maybe volunteer to be a guinea pig for experimental drug testing.


    Aw thats just annoying, i just want one Proto Old Warrior i don’t care what colour he is.But customs is making to far to expensive for me 🙁


    Jvargas0667 wrote:

    Time to start selling blood again, maybe volunteer to be a guinea pig for experimental drug testing.

    Sell blood? I thought it was done on a volunteer, no-pay basis? It is in Switzerland.


      All I ever got was a cookie and a sore arm. I’m digging thru extra car parts to sell so I can get me one of these dragons.


        Erm… you shouldn’t make anything if you just donate blood. I know you get paid to donate plasma though. I’ve never done the plasma thing. I wonder if I even could… Red Cross doesn’t want my blood… 😕 (stupid mad cow paranoia)


        Hm. In Switzerland we just get a chocolate and a sandwich afterwards, to help stabilization. No money. I don’t know about plasma, though, but I don’t think taht’s much different.


        Sell blood? To who? And you get money for plasma? Not in Canada. They get blood and plasma at the same time (I think, they seperate the blood after the donation.) All I end up with is a soar arm, (They hit nerves everytime)dizziness and a bandaid. I turn down the cookie since I feel awfull after giving blood. I feel bad though since I have a semi rare blood type. At least the nurses are nice. 🙂


          Romeodanny wrote:

          Sell blood? To who?



            Romeodanny wrote:

            And you get money for plasma? Not in Canada. They get blood and plasma at the same time (I think, they seperate the blood after the donation.) All I end up with is a soar arm, (They hit nerves everytime)dizziness and a bandaid. I turn down the cookie since I feel awfull after giving blood. I feel bad though since I have a semi rare blood type. At least the nurses are nice. 🙂

            You can get paid for plasma in the States. They essentially just pay you for your time. I know lots of ppl who’ve done it when they’ve been hurting for money. (It pays pretty well if you have the time and don’t mind needles). They do get them at the same time… it actually separates in the machine you’re hooked up to & then it gives you back the other blood parts along with saline filler.
            Personally I think if they’re going to pay you, they should do it for whole blood donors too. But really, people should just do it anyway. One pint of whole blood can be used for 3 potential recipients. And we’re always in a shortage here. (sorry, I come from a family of nurses/phlebotomists, plus my dad was always highly pressured to donate in the AF)
            I just really dislike how much Red Cross nags you once they have your contact info. It took 4 years of me telling them I can’t donate according to their rules for them to leave me alone. 😕


              I used to donate all the time and they never nag me to come back. The last time I did donate the guy went fishing with the needle and it hurt like no ones buisness. I remember on 911 the line to donate blood at the hospital I worked at was so long. It went from the blood bank, past the er hallway, and went around the operating room and back. It was crazy!


                Hmm… well, maybe it’s just the people around here. I’m not from this area originally, so I notice how ridiculous it is here more than my friends seem to.
                But good for your area for the amount of donations! I know blood can be transported elsewhere, but it’s great to find an area with a high donation rate. (Especially if you live there… just in case)


                  I can’t donate blood. I’m diseased! 😯

                  Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
                  My art:


                    Well, then no evil big needles for you! I don’t recall hearing about your health… may I ask what’s up? (just being nosey, no pressure to answer)
                    My reason’s just silly. Me, my bro, and my parents have been banned for life since we lived in England for 3 yrs in the late 80’s. Some nonsense about being exposed to beef over there, and the whole mad cow thing. We only ate beef that was shipped in from the States, so I don’t see how it would matter :roll:. Plus I’m pretty sure if I was exposed to mad cow, I would’ve died a long time ago. 😕 But whatever.

                    Wow do we ever get off-topic around here sometimes.


                    😆 Yes, we do.
                    For my part, I donate blood everytime there’s a community date set for it. People called the Samariter set up a facility in a community hall, and people go donate. The first time I did it I felt awful afterwards, but the last couple of times were no problem.


                    I’m too worried to give blood 🙁

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