We have removed the one-per-customer limit on the Paint-Your-Own Sushi Cats and the color shift varieties of the Tanuki.
I hope everyone is finding them all right in the store – we apologize that the “featured item” slide show is not up yet (we plan to have it again). Here’s a link to the Paint-Your-Own category for Sushi Cats: http://windstonestore.com/product-category/paint-your-owns/ and to the 2nd page of the Pebble Animal category where the Tanuki begin: http://windstonestore.com/product-category/pebble-animals/page/2/
I see that at the moment the Tanuki are not showing up at the beginning of the category if you sort by newness – I must have omitted a date or something when I made their product pages – will try to fix that!