On a deperate search for a Flion ? Any suggestions ?

Home Forums Windstone Editions General Windstone On a deperate search for a Flion ? Any suggestions ?

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    Hi there all you other collectors and fans 🙂

    Have been ‘in the shadows’ on the forums here and just finally decided to join and discuss/be open about windstones finally !
    Most of the pieces I have collected over the years have either been destroyed by nasty people or traded to other fellow fans, I currently only own the Cats in a circle candle holder (which I adore).

    I have a rather small wishlist, some pieces which I think might only be ‘dreams’ due to the age and I am guessing availability, but I always have a string of hope. Same goes for the armadillo, brown bears and original wolf.

    Anyways, the most looked for piece I have been having trouble finding or even noticing if any others have ? is the Flion/Winged Lion, my aunt once had one and I was so incredibly taken back by it that I have been destined to own one since I was only 3 years of age. I once found an Ebay listing for one, but it sold faster than i could have imagined.

    Any advice on maybe finding or trading for one would be so so so appreciated ! I am excited to talk to fellow pena fans 🙂

    Celestial Rainstorm

      Hi there! Welcome to the forum! Try talking with the forum member “Ruffian.” She had a listing for a large amount of her collection (one of which I bought myself) and she had a Flion. I don’t know if it sold yet, but last I checked it didn’t. 🙂

      Finding happiness again.


        And if Ruffian has sold her Flion, I do sometimes see one on eBay from time to time, so do a search on ‘Windstone’ and you might find all sorts of neat things! Good Luck! 🙂

        Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
        Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

        *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
        *** Come visit me on deviantArt at http://ela-hara.deviantart.com


          First and foremost, welcome to the forum! I hope you enjoy your time here!

          Okay, definitely try Ruffian first. I hope you get lucky! If you don’t, be persistent on eBay. Occasionally you see Flion figures pop up there. That’s where I acquired mine.

          However, even if you can’t find one on eBay…do not despair. At some point, Melody is considering sculpting a new Flion figure. I couldn’t tell you when it’s going to happen (or even if it’s definitely going to) because things tend to be super busy for the Windstone crew (and especially Melody) but it is being considered. At least as of the posts I’ve seen elsewhere on the forum.

          Good luck!


            You might also try a Want Ad in the Classifeds, here on the Forum. You can keep renewing the expiry date until you find one 🙂

            Sometimes things sell rather quickly. I would check places like ebay, the classifieds here, kijiji, craigslist, frequently.

            Wanted: "Dragon Fruit" Male Dragon ~ "Fire Berry", "Paradise", "Dragon Fruit", "Tie Dye" ~ The brighter, the better!


              +1 for the Want Ad posting recommendation! It’s not the most uncommon of sculpt so you may find some people come to you with one for sale.

              If not, you can always search for “Windstone Flion” on ebay and use the ‘save this search’ option. Then, whenever a new one is listed you’ll be notified via email. 🙂


                Melody has a winged lion kirin in the works, it’s not exactly what you’re looking for but if there’s no luck in finding the old Flion at least this could be something to look forward to!

                *Formerly meowmix101
                Not currently open for PYO commissions.


                  There is one on eBay now. Starting bid is very low, maybe you will get a deal (although they do have a nasty tendency to get bid up at the end of the auction).http://m.ebay.com/itm/Windstone-Editions-Flion-Winged-Lion-VERY-RARE-Sculpture-/391376693784?nav=SEARCH

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