OMG why???

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      Looking at their feedback is almost as hilarious. o.o I can’t believe there are so many people who buy those and believe in it. Maybe I’m just cynical. >.>

      One of them lead me to a lady who’d written a whole story about how she’d gotten a magic box from the ghost of a gypsy in the basement of her new home. Whenever she puts a piece of jewelry in it overnight, the box charges up the jewelry, giving it magic powers. >____>;

      I went through several pages of feedback on the dragon seller to see if I could find any negative feedback…there was one positive that was kinda negative (they hadn’t heard a peep out of their dragon yet), and the seller said “Blocking spirits b/c he buys black magick”. XD XD He had bought some spells from some witch on ebay that were for money and things like that. XD


        drag0nfeathers wrote:

        Is the seller mental? Grant me anything I want huh? How about the power to beat the stupidity out of people who list auctions like that? 😆


        Awhile ago, I did post about a Ebay auction for a opened and smooshed snickers bar. Someone actually bid up to $7 (before shipping) for it. You would be very surprised what is sold on Ebay.


          SilverArrow wrote:

          drag0nfeathers wrote:

          Is the seller mental? Grant me anything I want huh? How about the power to beat the stupidity out of people who list auctions like that? 😆


          Awhile ago, I did post about a Ebay auction for a opened and smooshed snickers bar. Someone actually bid up to $7 (before shipping) for it. You would be very surprised what is sold on Ebay.

          What was your selling point? Could you see the face of Jesus in the delicious filling after it was smushed? XD XD


            kitsunelady wrote:

            SilverArrow wrote:

            drag0nfeathers wrote:

            Is the seller mental? Grant me anything I want huh? How about the power to beat the stupidity out of people who list auctions like that? 😆


            Awhile ago, I did post about a Ebay auction for a opened and smooshed snickers bar. Someone actually bid up to $7 (before shipping) for it. You would be very surprised what is sold on Ebay.

            What was your selling point? Could you see the face of Jesus in the delicious filling after it was smushed? XD XD

            No, it wasn’t my auction. Just somebody out in Ebay land.

            I can’t remember what their selling point was but they said something about a rare wrapper and one of a kind.


            Wasn’t it simply a packaging fail? The wrapper was simply cut so that half the logo was missing.


              Some people will buy anything 🙄




                *rustle* Hey look, this paper bag my lunch came in seems to be channeling the spirit of Papyrus the Third. Being the holy unselfish person I am, I am comfortable within my means of living and in turn will share this great gift to you instead for the low cost of $19.95 plus $1,950 shipping and handling – PayPal payments add 3% processing fee


                😆 😆


                Gotta love the fine print, eh Snap? LOL That’s an expensive shipping fee…. XD


                  Try missing a payment and see what happens!


                  That requires me purchasing the mighty Papyrus the third, now doesn’t it? 😆


                  Did you see at the bottom of the description, under the contacting them section??

                  “And please do not contact us about your sex life!”



                    Dragon87 wrote:

                    … me purchasing the mighty Papyrus the third, now …

                    Sorry, only heard part of that, how would you like it shipped? 😉


                      sunhawk wrote:

                      Did you see at the bottom of the description, under the contacting them section??

                      “And please do not contact us about your sex life!”


                      *snerk* Rather odd request given that their Ebay store is selling a spell for *cough* ‘male enhancement’ 😮

                      Of course that’s probably why they had to make that request. 😆


                      Snapdragon wrote:

                      Dragon87 wrote:

                      … me purchasing the mighty Papyrus the third, now …

                      Sorry, only heard part of that, how would you like it shipped? 😉

                      At no cost to me 😉 That includes the cost of you Papyrus the Third…..

                      I got lots of paper bags, I don’t need yours! LOL Well, ok, I got lots of plastic bags but they’re close enough.

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