OMG why???

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      WOW I guess people will try to sell anything these days as long as it brings them money… 😯 I still can’t believe that other people actually bid on these things… 😯



        It’s kind of interesting though to play ‘what if’… 😈

        Pretend for a minute, that at least half of what she says is valid, that there’s a dragonish spirit in the purple amulet.

        Then… that would be the sale of a sentient being over the internet. Or at least the sale of the sentient being’s ‘apartment’ Which is a bit iffy however you look at it. 😯

        Also presuming there’s a dragon spirit in the amulet that’s even half as powerful as she says, comes the assumption that it took a whole lot of highly talented metaphysical fancy footwork to house the dragon in there. And that immense effort and labor comes at a price of… $35. Which is about as logical as Melody custom painting a Secret Keeper for $100.

        Continuing on that line, seeing as the ‘metaphysical fancy footwork’ appears so underpriced, costs could be cut in quality control.

        And of all the issues that that could lead to, the one that stands out, is the possibility of a shaky screening process where some dragons may not be enlightened beings wanting to serve the amulet holders out of the goodness of their great hearts, but simply looking for a nice little snack… Our Windstone dragons may be sweeties, but in some circles, humans are rumored to be crunchy and good with ketchup… 😈

        And this, is what happens when I have too much sugar in too little time…


          πŸ˜† πŸ˜†


          “Humans are rumored to be crunchy and good with ketchup” LOL πŸ˜† πŸ˜† That’s great Maplecarver… πŸ™‚


          khat7 wrote:

          Wow, I saw your topic and was afraid something had happened to one of your dogs. 😳
          Glad it was just another bonehead auction πŸ˜†

          Aww thanks, no though the dogs are fine, Ruffian is experiencing her typical winter pains πŸ™ though.

          The cat is however sick, we had blood tests taken yesterday and will find out hopefully what is wrong on tuesday.


            @ Ruffian : That’s a bummer, hope it’s nothing serious. πŸ˜•

            @ Dragon87 : Thank you, though I confess to plagiarizing an old bumper sticker. πŸ˜‰


              Maplecarver wrote:

              @ Ruffian : That’s a bummer, hope it’s nothing serious. πŸ˜•

              @ Dragon87 : Thank you, though I confess to plagiarizing an old bumper sticker. πŸ˜‰

              ROFLMAO We have that bumper sticker, it’s on Louis’ truck!! LoL My Siggy for a long while was “Do not meddle in the affairs of Nirvanacat, for you are crunchy and good with katsup” back when I was the queen of sniping, Drag0n can give you an earfull on that I’m sure πŸ˜‰ LoL Nice to see that bumper sticker back in the spotlight!


              ruffian wrote:

              khat7 wrote:

              Wow, I saw your topic and was afraid something had happened to one of your dogs. 😳
              Glad it was just another bonehead auction πŸ˜†

              Aww thanks, no though the dogs are fine, Ruffian is experiencing her typical winter pains πŸ™ though.

              The cat is however sick, we had blood tests taken yesterday and will find out hopefully what is wrong on tuesday.

              I remember you mentioning that this might be Ruffians last winter. Hopefully not. We have a Lab with severe arthritis and it gets tougher for her each year also. I hope there is nothing too bad with the cat.


              Maplecarver wrote:

              @ Ruffian : That’s a bummer, hope it’s nothing serious. πŸ˜•

              @ Dragon87 : Thank you, though I confess to plagiarizing an old bumper sticker. πŸ˜‰

              No matter, it’s still funny! πŸ™‚ And being mildly depressed over how much work I have yet to do before finals, it really cheered me up.


                drag0nfeathers wrote:

                Is the seller mental? Grant me anything I want huh? How about the power to beat the stupidity out of people who list auctions like that? πŸ˜†

                WindstoneCollector wrote:

                No. It comes out of Frozen’s arse and comes in a bottle. πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜†

                πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†


                These spirit auction threads always make for the best laughs. πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† Maplecarver, your deductions are too funny.


                  I aim to amuse. πŸ˜€

                  And thanks, Nirvanacat for posting the link to the previous thread. I’m very glad I wasn’t sipping anything when I read the first ‘fart’ comment. Fell over laughing even the second time when I expected it!

                  But while I believe in many unusual things, those ‘get incredible power for a small monetary fee’ claims are waaay over the top. There’s no such thing as a free lunch. Except for amulet dwelling dragons that lie on their resumes…


                  wow..i should so put that marble on ebay that was pulled out of my dog and say it holds magical properties! wow wonder how much it would go for! πŸ˜†


                  you could say it was a type of magical bezoar for potions πŸ˜›


                  Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                  Ahhh yes, here is the old thread!


                  I was hoping I wasn’t the only one who remembered that thread! πŸ˜† πŸ˜† I wasn’t planning on looking it up, I never would have remembered anyway! But thanks Cat! πŸ˜€
                  I’m not sure, wasn’t she selling rings with magic spirits in them too? πŸ™„ πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†
                  And there was something to do with hollow SK’s and spirits in them too I think. 😈

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