OMG what is wrong with people in this country !!??

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    That is why I like the small stores. They often can’t compete with the large chain stores, but, they certainly make up for it with their customer service.

    I go to a large store can’t find help, can’t find the item. Wait for someone to page a person over to help. They don’t know a thing about anything, and can’t help either. Walk out frustrated and empty handed.

    I go to a small store, find a person right away, they know what they are talking about, and most of the time if they don’t have it, they’ll order it in for you. I walk out happy.

    Hum….. I think I like the small stores better.

    But, I work in a large store. I understand the frustrations from both the customer and the person working there. Do people want to pay for customer service? No. So why do people complain about prices and customer service? You can’t have both low prices and customer service. Not that everything in the large stores is cheaper, it’s often not. It’s more convenience than anything else. Why go to 10 little stores when you can go to one and get everything?

    People are bad here, but, not so bad as to knock others down, or shoot at people. I can see it getting that bad though. I see grown people having temper tantrums all the time over stupid things. It’s so much fun working in retail. (sarcasm)


      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      All I can say is, I’m glad I live in a country where stores close on Sunday and various holidays throughout the year, open at 8 a.m. at the earliest and close at 9 p.m. at the latest.

      That’s what I enjoyed about Austria when I was staying over there. Though, with the hours I work, I do like that I can drop by the food store on the way home (I work 4pm-midnight -ish… emphasis on the ‘ish’). Certainly, if this wasn’t an option, I’d just work around it, but I’ll take advantage of it, since it is.


      Last year Cat and Louis generously let me stay with them for a few weeks. Once we went to a grocery store around 11 o’clock at night and for me, that was a really weird experience.
      I won’t obviously condemn stores that stay open really late or 24/7; I know that if they did, I would occasionally take advantage of the service too. (The nearest big POLO motorcycle store stays open until 8 p.m., which is great, because I can swing by there after work if I want to. Do I ever have to get something at 7 p.m.? No. If they closed at 6 like most other stores, I’d just do my shopping on Saturday.)
      The way I see it, having stores open most or all of the time serves to cement some peoples’ sense of entitlement. For example, Walmart is open 24/7; they go a little independent store that closed at 6 p.m. and demand to be let in, “just for a moment.” The shopper can forget more easily that the salespeople are human too and would like their times and schedules to be respected too.
      My two cents’ worth.


        I generally do agree with this sentiment, however I really appreciated some of the ‘necessity‘ stores keeping late hours, or even 24/7 hours. I am talking about places like grocery stores or pharmacies… places that don’t really carry items that people shop for out of pure enjoyment (e.g. lets go clothes shopping/shoe shopping/etc), but things that are pretty necessary for life (food, medicine and medical items). When my husband worked 12+ hour shifts at the hospital we had no way to get to most stores that were open ‘normal’ hours. We were very fortunate to have a grocery store with late hours nearby so we could at least get groceries and medicine if we needed it.

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          Jennifer wrote:

          I generally do agree with this sentiment, however I really appreciated some of the ‘necessity‘ stores keeping late hours, or even 24/7 hours. I am talking about places like grocery stores or pharmacies… places that don’t really carry items that people shop for out of pure enjoyment (e.g. lets go clothes shopping/shoe shopping/etc), but things that are pretty necessary for life (food, medicine and medical items). When my husband worked 12+ hour shifts at the hospital we had no way to get to most stores that were open ‘normal’ hours. We were very fortunate to have a grocery store with late hours nearby so we could at least get groceries and medicine if we needed it.

          True. I know this is true in Spain (I’m not sure about the German speaking countries… I never thought to check it out when I was there :shrug: I only ever needed ice, bandages and some advil), they have a rotation on pharmacies and on call doctors, that will be available after hours, should someone need an emergency refill on a prescription. I think they post it on the doors or a number is available that has the schedule of what pharmacy (or pharmacies) and what doctors are available. Grocers and the like generally were not though (then again, not as many people work late over there with all the stores closed, so there isn’t the demand! *lol*).

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