OMG what is wrong with people in this country !!??

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      purplecat wrote:

      I’ve never really understood the urge to shop in that sort of atmosphere….they treat it like a competitive sport, and then brag about how they wrestled this or that from someone else. sickening. :puke: :puke: :puke:

      Agreed, that is why I refuse to participate. No “great” deal is worth changing into a person you would be embarrassed to associate with, let alone become yourself.

      As for crowd mentality, I understand how easy it is for people to act like that if others around them are like that. Panic and fear are the same way.

      It makes you wonder, if people act like this for a holiday purchase, what would happen if it was for something much more vital like food or fuel?


        SilverArrow wrote:

        It makes you wonder, if people act like this for a holiday purchase, what would happen if it was for something much more vital like food or fuel?

        You probably don’t want to know. *cringes at the thought* I’ve heard stories in areas ravaged by famine or political strife. Not good.


        siberakh1 wrote:

        SilverArrow wrote:

        It makes you wonder, if people act like this for a holiday purchase, what would happen if it was for something much more vital like food or fuel?

        You probably don’t want to know. *cringes at the thought* I’ve heard stories in areas ravaged by famine or political strife. Not good.

        Somebody once said that modern civilization is only three missed meals away from anarchy. I can believe it. There’s a lot in basic human nature that is not nice. The difference between good folks and bad folks will always be in how each person deals with the negative aspects of their inner self.

        Sometimes I think that it’s just laziness that makes people behave so badly. It’s easier to not fight the personal demons, easier to just let them take control. Easier to make excuses for bad behavior (“Everyone else is shoving through the door; I have to too or I’ll miss out.” “Other people smash mailboxes so why not?” “I’m in a terrible hurry and that red light is not going to stop me!”). Easier to not have compassion for anyone else; easier to focus solely on one’s own desires. Now look what happens when more than just a few people let themselves behave like that! Who wants to live in a world like that?! I get so angry. 😡


        Oh. My. Goodness. And the worst part is there’ll probably be no consequence for any of the people responsible for that poor man’s death. Why would anybody in their right mind get up in time to be at a store in 5 a.m. anyway, to buy things none of them need?


          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          Oh. My. Goodness. And the worst part is there’ll probably be no consequence for any of the people responsible for that poor man’s death. Why would anybody in their right mind get up in time to be at a store in 5 a.m. anyway, to buy things none of them need?

          Capitalism at it’s finest, baby!


          Rusti wrote:

          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          Oh. My. Goodness. And the worst part is there’ll probably be no consequence for any of the people responsible for that poor man’s death. Why would anybody in their right mind get up in time to be at a store in 5 a.m. anyway, to buy things none of them need?

          Capitalism at it’s finest, baby!

          yes but if we didnt have capitalism we wouldn’t have all the fine things we enjoy, like the computer im typing on now , or heck even the sculptures here on the site . I have heard arguments on CSPAN and CNN about banning Black Friday on the news and how “this capitalist country is awful , and its all the retailers fault” its just the same people who say its all TV’s fault one can take responsibility for their own actions . It just seems like more and more people have an over inflated scene of entitlement to do what ever the hell they want and hardly ever get called on it.

          I love capitalism at its roots it gives us what we want and what we thoroughly enjoy in life , i also used to love Black Friday .Before the baby we went every year but im not pulling a fussy baby out in 30 degrees . i always had fun talking to the people in line and never once saw any kinda of a**holeism where i went, we never got eh big deals but it was fun and for the most part in our area people behaved . I dont know maybe its has to do with the people in the area as much as anything else if your going to have a problem or not . I dont dare go into Middle River for anything any more , im surprised they weren’t on the news for something happening at their Wal-Mart, this is the time of year for their robberies to go sky high


            Don’t get me wrong, I definitely prefer it to the alternatives, as there’s less opportunity for abuse by those in power (although, obviously, it still happens).

            Its flaw is the same as all the others – human beings run it. And humans are quite imperfect, flawed, biased and greedy, generally speaking.

            Money is the root of all evil, no matter what economic system you live in.


              Rusti wrote:

              Money is the root of all evil, no matter what economic system you live in.

              “The love of money is the root of all evil.” Money by itself does nothing.

              And its not Fridays fault that people are idiots. People should be held accountable. I cannot believe that we can live in a place where “But it was the last one” is an excuse to shoot someone and people say we should ban the holiday instead of punishing the people.


                Thanks for the correction. I shouldn’t try to recall quotes when I’m wiped out.

                And it does bother me that people aren’t held accountable for their actions. Even if they banned the holiday, there would be something else people would act a fool over. Accountability is nearly as dead as common sense, unfortunately.


                  Greater Basilisk wrote:

                  Why would anybody in their right mind get up in time to be at a store in 5 a.m. anyway, to buy things none of them need?

                  And what person in their right mind would sit on the internet constantly refreshing Ebay or the Windstone Editions store, passing up errands or time with their loved ones or not focusing on their job at work or going to bed late or getting up early just for the chance to nab the newest thing Melody puts out? And no one needs Windstones. I’m sure a lot of those 5am shoppers would think some collectors were crazy 😉

                  Personally, I like going out on Black Friday. I’ve never seen anyone grab things from other’s hands or trample over anyone (although the Furby incident at KBToys many years ago was slightly unpleasant). Maybe it’s just where you live. I’ve witness more terrible, scary, and destructive behavior from individuals after sporting events; I’ll take Black Friday over us winning the Super Bowl or World Series any day!


                    Mos Def. I have seen freak-outs on this forum when folks didnt get what they wanted… including bashing others for buying multiples, so it happens here, too. We dont need it, but we want it. Bad… really bad. 😀

                    I really wanted the Wii Fit and missed it.


                    Who hasn’t freaked out over something? Especially shopping. I usually avoid shopping on busy days. I have enough stress in my life as it is…. I don’t need to add to it. I’m almost done shopping (have 1 1/2 people left (I bought half of someone’s gift already) WoohoO!)


                    I went last year…It was my first and last time. I almost got into a boxing match in Menard’s checkout lines when a woman called me a not so pleasant word and I preceded to tell her what I thought. 👿 I was glad I managed not to punch her directly in the mouth right infront of my own mother.
                    I was very happy to have to be at work at 9 am and unable to go this year. 😀


                    Lokie wrote:

                    Greater Basilisk wrote:

                    Why would anybody in their right mind get up in time to be at a store in 5 a.m. anyway, to buy things none of them need?

                    And what person in their right mind would sit on the internet constantly refreshing Ebay or the Windstone Editions store, passing up errands or time with their loved ones or not focusing on their job at work or going to bed late or getting up early just for the chance to nab the newest thing Melody puts out? And no one needs Windstones. I’m sure a lot of those 5am shoppers would think some collectors were crazy 😉

                    To be sure. What it comes down to, I guess, is that we forget to moderate ourselves.
                    All I can say is, I’m glad I live in a country where stores close on Sunday and various holidays throughout the year, open at 8 a.m. at the earliest and close at 9 p.m. at the latest. It helps to remind people that shopping is not the essence of life, that holidays are for rest and relaxation at home or with loved ones, and generally offers consumerism a bit of a check.


                      Stores used to close on Sunday here way back when I was young, but not anymore.

                      I refuse to go to Wal*Mart or Home Depot or large chain stores if I can avoid it. People are stuck in the mindset that they are cheap, I’ve been finding moreso that they aren’t.

                      For example, I needed some 12/2 AC 90 wiring for a new outlet in our operations room. Out of habit I went to Home Depot (brainwashed I tell ya). After getting someone paged three times, I finally get help, only to find that the spool of 12/2 is empty. I needed 6 meters. The guy says “You can buy 12/3 and just use the 2 wires”.

                      I look at the price. 12/2 is $4.69 a meter, and 12/3 is almost $7 a meter. I said to the guy, why the hell would I waste almost $20 to buy something I’m not going to use? He turned around and started helping someone else.

                      So after waiting for over half an hour, I walked out empty handed. I drove over to Eecol, which is an electric wholesaler (and closer to my office to boot).

                      I walked in the front door and was instantly greeted by someone at the service counter.

                      “Hi, can I get 6M of 12/2 AC 90?”
                      “Account or cash? “Cash”
                      “OK brb”

                      $15 and change.

                      I looked twice.. I’m like.. really? $2.49 a meter vs. $4.69. Almost half the price, and backed up with proper customer service – and a cash sale! An account sale would have been even cheaper.

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