OMG this heat is killing me

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      These past couple of days the temps have been at or near 100 degrees with really high humidity. Of course I’ve had to work in it. Last night we had a call for an fall victim but when we got there he was laying on the floor with his eyes wide open. When I went to take his pulse he was hot hot hot. Turns out his core body temp was 106.7. It seems like these past few days all we have been running is exposure patients from people being outside and not staying cool or hydrating themselves. I have to work one more night in this god forsaken weather then I’m going to be off and hermit in my house until this heat wave breaks.



          Yikes! I’m sorry…

          I live currently in a 100+ year old house… built way before central AC was invented. It’s been 90°+ with high humidity the last 5 days or so and it’s been miserable. I have to have my computer on for working and it’s just an added space heater. I can’t paint because my paint won’t dry so I’ve been doing other work. Ugh…. how do you guys stay cool if you don’t have AC?

          Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
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            You think thats bad my air-conditioning went on the blink Sat. night and it was Mon before I could get a repairman. It doesn’t usually get to 100 degrees in se FL and I only live a few miles inland so we always have a cool ocean breeze so it wasn’t that bad but my poor dog felt it. The bad news is I may have to replace it and that is expensive.


              Jennifer wrote:

              Yikes! I’m sorry…

              I live currently in a 100+ year old house… built way before central AC was invented. It’s been 90°+ with high humidity the last 5 days or so and it’s been miserable. I have to have my computer on for working and it’s just an added space heater. I can’t paint because my paint won’t dry so I’ve been doing other work. Ugh…. how do you guys stay cool if you don’t have AC?

              We don’t have AC in our 1889 house. We use window and oscelating (spelling?) fans. It’s something anyway. We also have a window AC unit for the bedroom.


                Yes, it has been very hot the past several days where I am too. I’m hoping the rain we are supposed to get cools things down a bit, cause it is just miserable. I’m dreading our next electric bill. We have the air on pretty much all day, and it still doesn’t cool our place down. We live on a top floor apartment with a loft. I think the high ceiling is causing the problem. Cause it doesn’t keep warm with the heat on in the winter time either. 🙄


                I’m sorry about the heat. I would rather have that than what we have been getting the last couple of weeks which is rain, rain, and more rain. Crops are flooded, basements are flooded, mud barriers are up, and the dam in the Des Moines river is expected to overflow, so they might open it. I know there are pros and cons to both, but I’ll take the heat right now. 😀

                Just in the last few days, my brother-in-law’s basement flooded, my mom’s car got flooded, and our city roads are completely covered (I can see the street signs, but as far as I can see, I can’t see where the roads once were). There is more rain expected all this week and into the middle of next week. High 70’s and low 80’s though.

                Does anybody else have this flooding? I know it’s over the midwest. I hope no one has experienced any damage to their property!


                  The heat’s awful where I am too. I keep thinking to myself “If this is what it is like now before it is officially summer (season starts on the solstice – June 20 this year), then what is is going to be like in August when it’s normally the worst?”


                    I love all this heat, but I’ve been outvoted and the AC is on. 😆 I also dread the electric bill, but what are ya gonna do? I guess it’s much better than a hospital bill, right?


                      emerald212 wrote:

                      Jennifer wrote:

                      Yikes! I’m sorry…

                      I live currently in a 100+ year old house… built way before central AC was invented. It’s been 90°+ with high humidity the last 5 days or so and it’s been miserable. I have to have my computer on for working and it’s just an added space heater. I can’t paint because my paint won’t dry so I’ve been doing other work. Ugh…. how do you guys stay cool if you don’t have AC?

                      We don’t have AC in our 1889 house. We use window and oscelating (spelling?) fans. It’s something anyway. We also have a window AC unit for the bedroom.

                      Yeah… we’re running fans but they only do so much. :/ With the sun hitting this side of the house and all, my thermometer in this room regularly reads 93°+ F x_x

                      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
                      My art:


                        I understand, yesterday it was 100 degrees…in the shade here. registered 110 in the sun. We finally got some rain yesterday and it looks like more today. Thank you God!!


                          The other side of the state is miserable too! Our house is 230+ years old (yup… it’s old). We have AC though and, thankfully, don’t have a lot of light coming through many of the rooms on the bottom floor, so the rooms stay somewhat comfortable if we run the AC at night and just turn it on for a little bit each day. Can’t paint though (kitchen with the nice North facing windows is right near the back door and dad is in and out all day working on the outside of the house… less so in this heat). Waiting for the heat and humidity to break tonight! We’ve got to go through and insulate all the old slat board walls though and sheetrock them, which will keep the house warmer this winter and cooler in the summer when done (My parents officially will own the house at the end of the month, so we can do all this and make it a one family again… annoying upstairs neighbors are going bye bye! Whoo hoo!).

                          On the other hand, my bedroom gets little circulation though and is the size of a walk in closet. The AC has to run for many hours before it reaches that room and sleepign with the door closed isn’t an option. My little fan I got at Bed Bath and Beyond about 2 years ago is absolutely heaven! Small but so powerful. Otherwise, I’d be baking in my bedroom. Power goes out or the fan dies, I’ll go and sleep on the floor by the AC or out with the dogs on the cold tile floor! They’ve got the right idea 🙂


                            I LOVE heat and this time of year. always have. I do sweat more now though since I’m heavier then I was 10 years ago. I’m 5′ 8″ and until I was 31 I weighed a whole 120# now I’m about 195# healthy but I sweat a LOT more


                            The humidity finally broke today. I think last night was the worst. (Plus the thunderstorms weren’t fun either.)

                            It’s nice, KW has cooling stations. It basically a place where you can go to cool down. I was thinking I’d have to take my painting to one soon. So, I’m glad the humidity broke.


                            it was over 100 here yesterday and will be the same today…me hates it><

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