OMG! The New Sun Griffin is STUNNING!

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    But of course. Honestly, you know all our sculptures come to life when we sleep or aren’t looking. lol



    That explains all of the running around my cats do as soon as I turn off all the lights to go to bed.


    I hate it when they use your face for a spring board!



    I can totally relate!


    The worst part is hearing the galloping around the room then the silence.


    galloping! That’s the word I was looking for to describe the running.

    Yup, the silence is the worst. It’s like, what the hell are they up to?

    I think I’ll turn out the lights now, go to sleep, and let the beasties come to life and the galloping begin!

    Nite Phil.


      A friend of my calls that “The thundering herd of the Serengeti”… I think it’s innate to all cats!


        Aww thanks you guys! He took a long time to do. All my pieces do. πŸ™‚ I am having a terrible time sending him off. I will miss him!

        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
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        Greater Basilisk wrote:

        dragonessjade wrote:

        And they are gonna be mine. Mahahaha

        Hey, maybe we’ll see a showdown between the sniping queen and the sniping princess! πŸ˜€

        haha, maybee. πŸ˜†


        lol, my cats are the same. The second you want to go to sleep they start recking the house.


        Nambroth wrote:

        Aww thanks you guys! He took a long time to do. All my pieces do. πŸ™‚ I am having a terrible time sending him off. I will miss him!

        I am sure that you will miss him.


          Awww… dont worry… I will give you visiting rights! πŸ˜› Actually.. I DO hope this one stays with the family. I would LOVE to see a pic of him in with the rest of one of our collections!!


          I second that. I hope it goes to someone in the family.


            skigod377 wrote:

            Awww… dont worry… I will give you visiting rights! πŸ˜› Actually.. I DO hope this one stays with the family. I would LOVE to see a pic of him in with the rest of one of our collections!!

            Me too! It really tickles me when someone here ends up with my work, it’s such an honor to see my painted pieces next to their other Windstones! πŸ˜€

            Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
            My art:


            Nambroth wrote:

            skigod377 wrote:

            Awww… dont worry… I will give you visiting rights! πŸ˜› Actually.. I DO hope this one stays with the family. I would LOVE to see a pic of him in with the rest of one of our collections!!

            Me too! It really tickles me when someone here ends up with my work, it’s such an honor to see my painted pieces next to their other Windstones! πŸ˜€
            Then you’ll be happy to know that Chester (your banded griffin) is surrounded by my other favorite Windstones, and his assigned spot in on my computer table, 2 feet in front of me — so that I can see him all the time as I’m working! πŸ˜€

            This is on my computer table at home, of course. I definitely wouldn’t risk having him stolen by putting him on my desk at work! But I’ve been working at home quite a bit lately, so I get to see him a lot. πŸ˜€

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