OMG! The New Sun Griffin is STUNNING!

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      Repaints are really heavily discouraged… Plus with Nam being an employee of Windstone, I don’t think that would make her employers happy…


        Yeah, she wouldn’t do that. She probably wouldn’t even if she didn’t work for the factory, but being an employee, she DEFINITELY wouldn’t.

        "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
        -J R R Tolkien


          *breaks off a hunk of chocolate and passes to Arlla*


          Aw well never mind Arlla, hugs.


            nessiemom wrote:

            *breaks off a hunk of chocolate and passes to Arlla*

            *munch* Thanks. πŸ˜‰ *hands over the chocolate fudge swirl ice cream*

            "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
            -J R R Tolkien


              No, even though legally I could repaint one, there’s no way I would even in the unlikely event that the boss said it was okay. I understand repainting to give life to an otherwise un-repairable piece, but I wouldn’t ever take a commission for one. Sorry!

              Oh! The Moon Griffin! I have her photos ready to go- I got so distracted by the Sun Griffin Auction that I totally forgot! I’ll go upload them now.

              Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
              My art:


              yay thanks Nam πŸ˜€

              Are you not allowed to repaint Windstone pieces that Art PYO then?


                Legally a Windstone is your property once you’ve bought it and you can repaint it if you like.

                However repainted Windstones get confused with fakes, and can cause Windstone a lot of bother, so they don’t like them.

                So… you can. But they don’t really encourage it.


                Oh i see, its alright i don’t want to i was just wondering on the rules. πŸ˜€


                  OH WOW!!! I was guessing around the $1200-1600 area. Shows what I know! That’s amazing!! Congrats Nam!! *hugs* ^^


                  I agree with dan, the price was staggering, congrats.


                    Congrats on the final bid!

                    I was being tortured, errr…. encouraged at the gym, so missed the end of the auction. Glad he went for what he did!

                    Windstone collector in remission. πŸ˜‰


                      a HUGE Congrats to you Nam!!!

                      That guy was spectacular…. and went for a totally deserving price!!

                      Makes me wonder how much the momma is gonna go for… 😯

                      But a HUGE Congrats! I doubt Windstone will let you go for any reason now!!! πŸ˜† 😈


                        drag0nfeathers wrote:

                        $3,611 😯

                        😯 😯 😯 😯 😯

                        ::blinky blink blink::

                        HOLY CRAP! Congratulations Nam! You should go out and celebrate! πŸ˜€ That’s absolutely awesome! He is absolutely beautiful. I’m shocked it went so high, but only because I wasn’t expecting it ($2000, yes, but WOW!). It’s definitely well deserved!

                        Now to see what the Moon Griffin will go for! She’s even more stunning! Maybe it is a girl thing πŸ˜‰


                        CONGRATULATIONS, NAM! That is awesome!

                        And I was just drooling over the pictures of the Moon Griffin – which is as close as I will ever get to her! πŸ˜‰

                        *passes out Gertrude Hawks peanut butter smidgeons to all the forum members*

                        Arlla, is it better or worse he went for so much more than your top bid? Personally, if I loose by $10 or $20 I gnash my teeth for hours that I didn’t bid a little bit higher. But if it goes way over my price range I don’t feel as bad – I guess I figure someone else wanted it waaaayyyy more than I did. Go figure. But I totally understand feeling bad – yes, it is “stuff” but it is absolutely, one of a kind, beautiful, amazing, wonderful “stuff”. *passes Arlla TWO smidgeons”

                        By the way, if anybody doesn’t know what I’m talking about Gertrude Hawkes makes these amazing smidgeons for different holidays. My favorite are the bunny peanut butter smidgeon. To me they taste better than Godiva!

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