OMG! OMG! I got my female and male Ki-Rin today

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      very KEWL finds all the way around


      Now we need to see some BABY K’s!!


      Congrats, phoenixrider. May I ask how much you paid for them?


        Congrats to you both! I wish my ki rins had the cards. Those are too cool.


          I seem to remember those cards MANY MANY years sgo.. I don’t want to say how many that will age me!!


          Wow phoenix they are great, i have just got to get some, you guys are great at spending other peoples money lol.
          How much did you pay, if you don’t mind me asking πŸ˜€


          well, let’s see. the female mint, was $132 and the male mint, was $147. A little high but considering the pieces had been retired for three years that’s pretty good. I normally don’t spend that much this quickly. I try to be very tight with my money. The last thing i need is too high of a charge on my credit card. YUCK! but i love them and have no regrets buying them. Anyone else looking for them? I will PM you if i see anything.
          Also i went to the store who had the green cat wizard and they said they finally sold that thing. Who bought that anyway? Congrats on who did.


          Congrats on your finds. πŸ˜€


          whippetluv wrote:

          WILD! I got mine today too! Horray for us!

          Nooooo!!! My interception failed!!!!!!


          You can be the dozenth person to go after the family on E-Bay, Ettevy…


          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          You can be the dozenth person to go after the family on E-Bay, Ettevy…

          Got it in my sights! πŸ˜‰ Unforunately all I need is the Male, so if I win I’m going to have an extra Mamma and Baby I don’t need……..


            If you win it, I’ll buy the Mama from you. πŸ™‚


            I have two of the display cards too…My protoceratops came with his when I got him off Ebay, and When I ordered my Kirin family from Wisconsin coin (They sadly stopped selling Windstone) they sent me a display card for them too!! πŸ˜€
            DM You can’t be that much older than me! πŸ˜›


              DM and I are about the same age, and we’re a little bit older than you WSC. πŸ˜†


              LOL Emerald, Nice location!!! πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

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