OMG!!! OMG!!!

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  • #498665


    HEY!!! I just saw Gary Kinsella is online browsing the forums!!! YAY!!! Welcome Gary! I LOVE YOUR CASTLES!!! <3 <3 <3 😀


      Really??? That’s really cool!!! 8)

      Hi Gary!!! :hi:


        Hi Gary!

        I have your castles, too!


        Hi Gary!


        Hi Gary! I love your castles!


          Holy cow thats wicked!!! Got an extra Castle of the Hawks laying around?? Im looking!!


            Seems Melody found him on Facebook.


              But is he Actually a registered user that might say hello??


              Yes, he is a registered user! I remember BDW making the Welcome Thread for him.


              Dragon Master wrote:

              But is he Actually a registered user that might say hello??

              Yes…As a matter of fact, I PM’d him the first day I saw him on to thank him for ever making all his beautiful Castles for WIndstone. He PM’d back and chatted a bit. He is very nice! Wish his castles would have been a little bit hotter back then, he might still be making them if they sold then like they sell now! 😀 Especially the Hawks castle. 😉


                VERY KEWL!!

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