OMG Can It Be……..Return of Caturday?!

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      The puzzle one is so cute!


      I love the latest cat pics. Hard to pick a favorite πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

      Please to clickie eggz
      *SilverFyre *EmeraldFyre*Strawberry Fyre*Jade Fyre*bred red


        lamortefille wrote:

        Necron99 wrote:


        😯 πŸ˜†

        Truthfully, I didn’t realize that was a dog. I took a quick look and I thought somebody photoshopped an odd looking cow into the picture, esp. since it said “Mabel”.


          The latest cats are all hilarious, but these tigers just top it off for me!

          Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.

          I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.



          That’s what my cat looks like when he lays upside down like that! πŸ˜†

          My most wanted list: carnelian mouse wizard, copper patina frog wizard, autumn leaf poads, pumpkin spice kitties


          Here are a few i made , i spend too much time on that site , i have 165 of them that i have done πŸ˜›



            Lol…hey vern!!!! πŸ˜† πŸ˜†


              Dang… that dog looks mad! 😯


              That dog is huge.


              its a Caucasian Ovcharka ,here is info on it very hard to train one it says



                Necron99 wrote:

                its a Caucasian Ovcharka ,here is info on it very hard to train one it says


                I guess the owner didnt read this part: Excessive softness or vicious temperaments are considered serious faults for the breed.

                Thanks for the info. Thats a serious looking dog.


                Necron99 wrote:

                i spend too much time on that site , i have 165 of them that i have done πŸ˜›

                AHA So you are responsible for all the time I waste looking through those ! 😈 πŸ˜†
                I have it on my facebook πŸ˜€


                skigod377 wrote:

                Necron99 wrote:

                ruffian wrote:

                Necron99 wrote:


                WOW I can not believe that someone made a joke out of that pic disturbing. That is a picture of two dogs that some jackass was using to attack that bull and the dogs getting thrown, often shown to prove the tenacity of pits because the dogs get back up and continue their attack. Oh ya the final pic shows one of the dogs lieing dead, nice.


                I found it on the cheeseburger page and didnt know it was dogs attacking a bull , just thought it was an odd picture and added a funny saying to it. But thanks for calling me disturbed i havent been called that in a long time .. nice

                Im sure she did not mean it like that. πŸ™‚ Anyone who knows what that pic is and is amused by it is disturbed, not you. At first I thought it was photoshopped, too.

                People are sad and easily amused. I am glad that they are coming down on dogfighting. Just like killing people in the Roman times or slavery… its an outdated practice and has no place in a society we call “Advanced.”

                Keep on with the funny pics though!

                It looks really photo shopped to me. I dunno though. Just looks out of proportion. And that doesn’t look like a bull either- from the angle I’m seeing it looks like a steer.

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