OMG Can It Be……..Return of Caturday?!

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      I like the “they abducted Mabel” one!!!! 😀 😀


      Necron99 wrote:


      WOW I can not believe that someone made a joke out of that pic disturbing. That is a picture of two dogs that some jackass was using to attack that bull and the dogs getting thrown, often shown to prove the tenacity of pits because the dogs get back up and continue their attack. Oh ya the final pic shows one of the dogs lieing dead, nice.


      ruffian wrote:

      Necron99 wrote:


      WOW I can not believe that someone made a joke out of that pic disturbing. That is a picture of two dogs that some jackass was using to attack that bull and the dogs getting thrown, often shown to prove the tenacity of pits because the dogs get back up and continue their attack. Oh ya the final pic shows one of the dogs lieing dead, nice.

      I found it on the cheeseburger page and didnt know it was dogs attacking a bull , just thought it was an odd picture and added a funny saying to it. But thanks for calling me disturbed i havent been called that in a long time .. nice


        Greater Basilisk wrote:

        Is that owl for real? The eyes look way abnormal. 😯

        As one who has handled owls- yes! They are strange critters. 😆

        Ruffian: Please don’t be upset. Most people wouldn’t know what is going on in that photo as it is totally out of context- I’m sure that Necron99 meant no harm!

        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
        My art:


          I didnt recognize what was going on in the pic either, and thought the saying fit the pic…sorry.


          I thought the bull and dog one was photoshpped, because the dog doesn’t look like he’s jumping. It looked to me like the dog was standing and someone cropped him and stuck him into the image.

          But looking at the photo series posted in the LJ I guess that wasn’t the case.

          Not sure why these people sacraficed their dogs for sport, but people are strange.

          They had to know pitting those dogs against a full grown bull was going to be a losing situation for the dogs. Bulls are extremely powerful animals, and nothing goes after them lightly. Course domestic dogs aren’t always the smartest of critters, too slavish…don’t think.



          Necron99 wrote:

          ruffian wrote:

          Necron99 wrote:


          WOW I can not believe that someone made a joke out of that pic disturbing. That is a picture of two dogs that some jackass was using to attack that bull and the dogs getting thrown, often shown to prove the tenacity of pits because the dogs get back up and continue their attack. Oh ya the final pic shows one of the dogs lieing dead, nice.

          I found it on the cheeseburger page and didnt know it was dogs attacking a bull , just thought it was an odd picture and added a funny saying to it. But thanks for calling me disturbed i havent been called that in a long time .. nice

          Never once did I think you had made the comments on the pic, I figured it had come from cheeseburger, and I was not aclling oyu disturbed. I was calling the dumbass who would find that pick funny disturbed though, if you know the whole story of course.


          Kyrin wrote:

          I thought the bull and dog one was photoshpped, because the dog doesn’t look like he’s jumping. It looked to me like the dog was standing and someone cropped him and stuck him into the image.

          But looking at the photo series posted in the LJ I guess that wasn’t the case.

          Not sure why these people sacraficed their dogs for sport, but people are strange.

          They had to know pitting those dogs against a full grown bull was going to be a losing situation for the dogs. Bulls are extremely powerful animals, and nothing goes after them lightly. Course domestic dogs aren’t always the smartest of critters, too slavish…don’t think.


          And to think some moron stood there and took pics, like WTF is wrong with that guy????


          ruffian wrote:

          Kyrin wrote:

          I thought the bull and dog one was photoshpped, because the dog doesn’t look like he’s jumping. It looked to me like the dog was standing and someone cropped him and stuck him into the image.

          But looking at the photo series posted in the LJ I guess that wasn’t the case.

          Not sure why these people sacraficed their dogs for sport, but people are strange.

          They had to know pitting those dogs against a full grown bull was going to be a losing situation for the dogs. Bulls are extremely powerful animals, and nothing goes after them lightly. Course domestic dogs aren’t always the smartest of critters, too slavish…don’t think.


          And to think some moron stood there and took pics, like WTF is wrong with that guy????

          Ask that same question to those who have pit bull dog fights, cock fights, etc. Humans have been putting on shows like this for a long time, Romans used to do it with people! And the bloodthirsty crowd would encourage the victor to kill his defeated opponent!

          Sadly the human race is bloodthirsty and violent, what gets the most attention from us, fluffy bunny stuff, or blood and gore…blood and gore of course!

          We’re morbid and fascinated with violence…think about it, when we watched Wild Kingdom as kids, what stood out the grazers peacefully drinking or grazing, or when the lions pulled one down and ate it?

          Do I like violence or condone it, no. Is it part of nature, yes. Would I set animals up to kill each other for my entertainment, hell no. But that is me and you. Other people and cultures take a different view, and while we disagree with their form of entertainment, well there isn’t a lot we can do.



            Necron99 wrote:

            ruffian wrote:

            Necron99 wrote:


            WOW I can not believe that someone made a joke out of that pic disturbing. That is a picture of two dogs that some jackass was using to attack that bull and the dogs getting thrown, often shown to prove the tenacity of pits because the dogs get back up and continue their attack. Oh ya the final pic shows one of the dogs lieing dead, nice.


            I found it on the cheeseburger page and didnt know it was dogs attacking a bull , just thought it was an odd picture and added a funny saying to it. But thanks for calling me disturbed i havent been called that in a long time .. nice

            Im sure she did not mean it like that. 🙂 Anyone who knows what that pic is and is amused by it is disturbed, not you. At first I thought it was photoshopped, too.

            People are sad and easily amused. I am glad that they are coming down on dogfighting. Just like killing people in the Roman times or slavery… its an outdated practice and has no place in a society we call “Advanced.”

            Keep on with the funny pics though!


              twindragonsmum 😀





                  skigod377 wrote:


                  LOVE that so freaking funny.


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