As a kid, and I’m 41, they had a Tootsie Roll commercial, the kid asked Mister turtle how may licks it took to get the the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Roll Pop. He says he has never gotten thru without biting and tells the boy to ask wise old Mr. Owl. The boy asks the Owl and the Owl says let’s find out. Grabs the Tootsie Roll from the kid licks it 3 time counting off them chomps into it hands him back the stick and tells him 3. Then the ad campaign comes on saying “How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop? The world may never know.” During that time the Tootsie Rolls on the screen are all getting smaller until they get crunched
I guess you have to be old to understand it completely