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        If you have ever gotten an email from an Indian princess that would like to give you 60 million dollars so she can avoid taxes, this site is for you…

        I just found this website and I have much more reading to do. They are awesome!!!


        Ahahaha!! I can’t believe I just sat and read almost all of that, hilarous!!


          That took me over an hour to read! ROFL! Worth it though, man! I can’t believe that guy really dragged it out THAT far!

          Got a busted Windstone?

          *OPEN for repairs*

          *SEEKING GRAILS*
          Arc-en-ciel Emperor
          Siphlophis Male Dragon
          Calypso Hatching Empress
          Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
          Tattoo Mother Kirin
          Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
          Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
          Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
          Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
          Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
          Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons

          Diana L

            XD XD XD Remind me not to buy any Tribble Island real estate XD XD I’m glad they got a taste of their own medicine.


              I know. I spent hours last night reading that site. He’s got to have like 50 letters like that.
              One scammer actually got a tattoo that said “Baited by Shiver”. I thought scammers were supposed to be smarter then average!
              The gallery of all the pictures are of scammers that he makes hold a sign. My fav: I SHAG SHEEP 😆


                I don’t even know what to say… Wow?


                  *snork* XD XD XD XD XD


                    Two Nigerians doing The Parrot Sketch… Priceless! 😆


                      I’ve seen something similar (maybe it’s the same guy?) involving a laptop. They sent an empty binder to the guy in Nigeria, drew a monitor on one of the inside covers, and attached keyboard keys (or drew them in marker) on the other inside cover. He got some pretty nasty emails back once it was received and had some virus attachments sent to him, but easy enough to catch in virus scan. 🙂 Definitely fun reads. 🙂


                        Dang it, Phoenix, its 2AM here and I need to sleep!

                        But I read the first two pages and got this far…SO FUNNY! Ive got tears in my eyes!


                        OK, so lets have a quick recap of the events so far:

                        Six months ago, this wretched human being contacted me to explain he was moments from death as a result of the ravages of Esophageal Cancer. He had led a bad life. All he wanted to do before joining our dead parrot in the great big bird cage in the sky was to distribute his wealth to deserving charities… at a cost of course.

                        Obo battled on bravely with my requests, and eventually managed to carve a copy of my own head. Having failed miserably to protect my head in transit, it was partially eaten away by a hungry rodent. After apologising for the screw-up, Obo agreed to create another piece of artwork for me, this time in the form of a 17 foot tall painting of a book cover. As well all know, this was a complete and utter disaster, and Obo was ordered to complete yet another project which he did with great success. All this despite being weakened by the ravages of cancer. Ladies and gentleman, we have a hero on our hands!

                        Obo must be flushed with a feeling of success, and great anticipation of the thousands of dollars coming his way. Shall we spoil his party…? Shall we?


                          😀 I know, but in the absense of a good book, this does quite nicely! 😆
                          I read the Church of the Holy Cow. It’s hilarious!


                            XD Amazing! XD The scary thing is that some people must be falling for this stuff otherwise, it wouldn’t still be around! I recently received a letter from a Nigerian Prince who couldn’t get hold of his money after his father died and needed something out of the country so he could dump the money into and have access to it. I went and looked in the mirror to see if I had ‘Stupid’ written across my forehead.

                            It’s amazing and scary that these people have your names and addresses and even phone numbers. I got a call [I didn’t recognize the number so I let it go to voicemail] and this guy is trying to tell me that I won a million bucks and a new car and they’re just waiting to deliver it. Claimed he was from UPS and the stupid didn’t even know what his number was–kept messing up as he gave it and did this five times. I was laughing–yeah right, you’re the manager at UPS–if so, you would have my delivery info already. 👿

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