
Old school Cereals that no longer exist

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    lamortefille wrote:

    Somehow I missed all of those…

    Me too!!! I thought I knew all the sugary bad for you cereals!!! 😯


    pegasi1978 wrote:

    Boo Berry is still made, but I think it only comes out around Halloween now.

    Not here. I buy it and Frankenberry all the time! 🙂 Count Chocula is year round here too, but I don’t eat it. Might be different in your area though. I live in a major test market.


      I think I remember some of those~ Def the Ghost Busters cereal. How funny. I was just thinking about Count Chocula the other day. That and Boo Berry.


      Megani-chan wrote:

      I want the Nintendo cereal! 😯 😆 No fair, I wasn’t even alive when it was first sold 😛

      dont say such things you make the rest of us feel very old 😛


      What about Quake cereal? It was produced by the same folks that made Quisp, and at the same time. (Frankly, I never saw it, but my husband loved it. 😛 And . . . here’s something scary: he has a couple boxes of Ghostbusters cereal stored away. He kept them because of the hologram decoration that was on the front of the box. I wonder if the mice have found the cereal yet. 😆 )


        siberakh1 wrote:

        pegasi1978 wrote:

        Boo Berry is still made, but I think it only comes out around Halloween now.

        Not here. I buy it and Frankenberry all the time! 🙂 Count Chocula is year round here too, but I don’t eat it. Might be different in your area though. I live in a major test market.

        I think I remember seeing Count Chocula when I was at Wal-Mart the other day, but I don’t pay attention to some of those cereals right now since I’m trying to keep my son away from too much sugar.


          I loved Rocky Road cereal when I was 5.

          And when I was 6… does anyone else remember this one??

          I don’t remember if I liked it much, but I do remember playing with the pieces while I was eating ’em. 😕


          Mmm. I don’t recognize a single one those cereals, but they all look yummy sweet to me. 😀


          Maebnus3 wrote:

          I loved Rocky Road cereal when I was 5.

          And when I was 6… does anyone else remember this one??

          I don’t remember if I liked it much, but I do remember playing with the pieces while I was eating ’em. 😕

          i remember those , i likes the ice cream cones but the rocky road was way too chocholaty for me ..here is one it only lasted one year on the shelves


          Necron99 wrote:

          i put that one up because of the art, it was done by Ralph Bakshi the guy who drew Wizards, Mighty Mouse and most noteably Fritz the Cat

          Here I am to save the Day!


          I haven’t thought of Mighty Mouse in years!!! 😀

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