Old Brown Male Griffin

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    Does anyone have a picture of the old brown male griffin? I was just noticing on mine today his chain around his neck is painted blue at points to match his crystals. Are they all like this?


    My Brown boy is!!! 😀


      😯 Well, crap… how’d I miss that?? Mine has blue bits painted on his chain too. I don’t have him here, but I can see ’em in the pic I have of him.


      Yes, both my adult male browns (regular and striped which I still maintain is SO different, it can be sold as a diff griff… I even have them displayed next to each other) have blue painted accents on their necklaces. But as with the striped in general, all the blues are a darker hue.

      I have photos but they arent formatted yet or off the camera. Im shooting for insurance purposes and Im not done photographing everyone. If I remember, I’ll try to post pix of my 2 browns.


        Yes. My Tan and Stripey Griffins both have have the blue paint.


          ditto!!! 🙂

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