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    So, who’s going oktoberfesting?

    Kitchener-Waterloo is supposed to be the largest oktoberfest in North America. I’m not going, I’m not that much into it.

    I’ll probably go to the parade. (I don’t know what’s going to happen with Thanksgiving this year since well, you know.) If my Mom is still going to do a dinner then I’ll be going over to help.

    So who’s in the spirit of Gemutlichkeit? Dancing the chicken dance anyone? πŸ˜†



    We might go to Fredricksburg in Texas…it’s like 4 hours away from us…so still up in the air…AND the first weekend of Tex Ren Fair is next weekend, which is much closer, and I can get just as wasted there…so tough call… πŸ™„


    πŸ˜† Well in that case, I would go to Ren. But, how can you resist the chicken dance? πŸ˜†


      I went a couple years ago. I hear the one is Stuttgart is better, but when you have been in one beer tent, you have been in them all. Cant say it wasnt a blast, though!


        The Festivals are sooo crowded around here. πŸ™ We do check out all of the seasonal beers though…started yesterday with Harvest Moon. Yum!


          Neither me or my hunny drink so it’s pretty much wasted on us…


          My sister went to it here on Sunday. I have only been one time.


          Now that you mention it, I’ve never been to one. Pretty pathetic. πŸ˜•


          Well, I don’t drink either. But, there are alot of other things to do as well. But, growing up with it I guess, I just don’t care for it. I find it all rather boring.


            When I lived in Roswell, GA a group of us used to go to Helen, GA which is about an hour north of there. It is so crowded during Octoberfest that even though it has a large number of German restaurants you usually end up grabbing a hot dog or something so you don’t have to spend half your time standing in line to get into one.


            lamortefille wrote:

            The Festivals are sooo crowded around here. πŸ™ We do check out all of the seasonal beers though…started yesterday with Harvest Moon. Yum!

            Ya, I know what you mean. Ours attracts more than 700,000 people! (At least that’s what they claim) But, it is a nine day event here.


            Romeodanny, your siggie made me smile. πŸ˜€


              Romeodanny wrote:

              lamortefille wrote:

              The Festivals are sooo crowded around here. πŸ™ We do check out all of the seasonal beers though…started yesterday with Harvest Moon. Yum!

              Ya, I know what you mean. Ours attracts more than 700,000 people! (At least that’s what they claim) But, it is a nine day event here.

              Even spread over 9 days, that’s way too many for me to handle. 😯 The tourist dollars are good for the local economy, though…:wink: I might try to convince my husband to stop at the Cranberry Festival. I need my cranberry bread and I can bribe him with a pulled pork sandwhich. πŸ˜†


                Greater Basilisk wrote:

                Romeodanny, your siggie made me smile. πŸ˜€

                Care to translate for me? Babel Fish came up with: Good day, a beer ask. One, two, G’suffa! Gemutlichkeit! which doesn’t help me much. πŸ˜†

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