Okay, so I am a bad girl…but

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    I dug all my unicorns out of storage today, my male and young unicorns are fine, but to my dismay my female and the baby had owies. Nothing too major, but would require repainting no matter what. Soooo…since the female was black already and all the others I had are white, I repainted her as a black and white paint…and oh wow does she look good.

    The baby I also painted black, and am going to add a few small paint markings on him a bit later. But setting her in the middle with the male and young unicorn ties everyone together in a great way.

    http://www.furaffinity.net/view/490760/ I think I will just be repainting the baby, and leave the other two alone. As they look really good together now as a group.



      The black and white mother turned out just beautiful!


      emerald212 wrote:

      The black and white mother turned out just beautiful!


      Thanks…I really love how she came out. I have a better up close pic if you would like to see it.





        emerald212 wrote:



        Here ya go.



        That female looks great. Beautiful job.


          Mamma looks lovely, but baby def needs some spots. Cant leave it black. 🙂


          skigod377 wrote:

          Mamma looks lovely, but baby def needs some spots. Cant leave it black. 🙂

          He’s not done…I promise.



            She’s beautiful. I like how the individual hairs are painted around the spots. It looks so natural. 🙂


            I definately like the mare as well.


            Thanks guys, I did my best to make it as realistic as I could. Even used a reference, though the reference horse was a bay, not a black and white…but who cares?

            Anyway, I am planning on doing the baby today.



            She looks fantastic Kyrin!

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