
Ok, who's making me pay a fortune on the broken sun dragon?

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      I guess I should do a pyo Oriental. I’ll add it to my list.


        ….if you do Melody, I’ll buy ten majillion of them, you know. 😉


          Melody wrote:

          I guess I should do a pyo Oriental. I’ll add it to my list.

          YAY…another one to add to my list of things to save for…


            Melody wrote:

            I guess I should do a pyo Oriental. I’ll add it to my list.

            That would be great…I would love to trya nd paint one of those…or several of those… 😀 If you make them Melody, I will buy them… 😆



              Melody wrote:

              I guess I should do a pyo Oriental. I’ll add it to my list.

              OMG YEEEEEEESSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

              "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
              -J R R Tolkien


                Oh man, if there were PYO oriental dragons, I don’t think I’d want to paint anything else!! *pant*

                "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
                -J R R Tolkien


                I’d buy ’em!


                Melody wrote:

                I guess I should do a pyo Oriental. I’ll add it to my list.

                Have I mentioned lately, that I love you? *hugs*



                  Kyrin wrote:

                  Melody wrote:

                  I guess I should do a pyo Oriental. I’ll add it to my list.

                  Have I mentioned lately, that I love you? *hugs*


                  I’ll second that! 😀




                    Melody wrote:

                    I guess I should do a pyo Oriental. I’ll add it to my list.

                    Yes please!

                    I’m still hoping Melody will paint some Orientals in white. The Sun dragon would look so pretty in white. Probably too much to hope for though.


                      Oh, PYO Orientals! That’s a good idea.


                        If those came out, I might even try one and that’s saying a lot!!


                        More PYOs 🙂 always good!
                        Kyrin, thanks for posting that link… that koi dragon is awesome!


                        Demyx wrote:

                        Yikes, alright-

                        Instead of throwing an angry response, though, I’ll just say all’s fair in love and ebay. Sorry I didn’t check here first, and honestly sorry you didn’t win, but you can’t just call an auction and expect everyone to hands off.

                        You shouldn’t be sorry….you had the inspiration and the dollars to buy him. Ebay does auctions…so the person who wants the item the most and has the money to pay for it, is the person who gets it.

                        You should not have to appologize to anyone because you got something off of ebay.

                        I have a few friends here…but you have to take the gloves off when you get on ebay..and I have told other forum members…if you want the item..then bid for it…and don’t feel bad at the outcome!

                        Just because someone has a tantrum on the forum should not discourage others from posting and it should not discourage people from bidding on ebay.

                        This is a free country and you can bid what you want to buy what you want …

                        Congratulations! I hate seeing people appologize for bidding against another forum member…that is just silly….

                      Viewing 14 posts - 76 through 89 (of 89 total)
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