Ok, who's making me pay a fortune on the broken sun dragon?

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        Kyrin wrote:

        You know, despite opinions here, I happen to be a human being too, with faults. Which means that whether or not it is a good thing to feel resentment or anger, I feel them. I am not always stellar at hiding them, nor is it necessarily healthy to hold it all in all the time. So sometimes, now and then, I admit to being upset or disappointed enough to vent.

        Vent, by all means. You dont have to be nasty in order to do it.

        Kyrin wrote:

        I felt it was safe to vent on here, because others have done so in the past, and there have been other instances where someone has been accused of being mean, inconsiderate, or just plain malicious on here, but no one called the person on it, why? Because the person being accused of these things wasn’t a forum member.

        I cannot recall what topic you are referring to. A link, please, and I will certainly apologize. I dont think you are correct, though. There are too many nice people on this board that point out when others are stepping out of line. The only time I can think of is with the fake auctions or rude sellers. Then they are certainly justified. I dont feel you are, and I am certain many would agree with me. You are slamming another forum member when you have no right.

        Kyrin wrote:

        Well I’m not like that, I happen to be a pretty honest person, I don’t like sniping, I don’t care who the heck does it. I think it is rather reprehensible to wait until the last 5 minutes or 30 seconds and swipe something out from under someone who held the item for days and was sure they would succeed in obtaining it.

        If you want something, I think you should bid early enough so that the person who has had the high bid for awhile knows that there is a contender, so they can be prepared to fight for it. Not sneak around behind their back. Sorry, but that is how I feel, and I won’t apologize for my feelings. You may feel they aren’t very charitable, whathaveyou, but they are my feelings and I have every right to have them, and every right to voice them. This is still a free country, for now.

        Sniping is smart. you get something for less. I dont do it, because I dont have time, but those who do are good at it, and smart (and honest). If you want it, put in your max bid early, then who cares if they snipe?? Either way, it seems they were willing to pay more than you! You have a right to express your feeling, but not to the extent of slamming others. 👿

        Kyrin wrote:

        I am also of the bent that if someone really wants something and it finally comes up at auction for a reasonable price, I feel that they should be able to get it. I have bowed out of auctions where I knew the person bidding really wanted it badly. I could have fought for it and made it cost more, but I felt that if they really wanted it, it wouldn’t be fair of me to take it.

        Thats what stores are for. Not auctions. Auctions are for the highest bidder. Not the highest wanter. You are nicer than some people, but no one should feel they have to meet your above-and-beyond standars and be persecuted if they dont.

        Kyrin wrote:

        Maybe that isn’t the way it works for most of you, apparently eBay is just business and the definition of business is cutthroat and without consideration for others. That’s fine, but please don’t ask me to be like that, and forgive me for being hurt that people I consider to be friends could care less about me all because getting something they likely already have 6 of cheap, is more important than my feelings.

        Kyrin, I have never know you to act like this. you are being inconsiderate and nasty about an auction. No one should feel they have to back out of an auction for someone else. Its not fair to the seller. What about sellers like Windstone? If we all acted like this over their auctions, they would suffer. I seriously hope this is just temporary. You are not being very reasonable at all. 😕


          lamortefille wrote:

          Yeah, we’ve been down this road before… 😉


          Was this before Nirvana was a forum member? she had a huge sniping rep. as I recall.


            I’m not gonna lie I really wanted that dragon too. I was thinking to myself oh I could buy him and send him to Kyrin to fix for me. Then I came on here and saw your post about him and figured it was pointless to try for him since I wouldn’t be able to send him to you to be fixed. I’ve been pretty mad at some people on here who have outbid me on windstones that I really wanted but it doesn’t do me any good to stay that way. There are alot of ooak paint jobs I really wanted but my funds are no where near theirs so they outbid me every time so I understand your frustration. I don’t however think making a thread about a piece on ebay and claiming it as yours will ever work out. In the end if someone wants it just as bad as you and they are willing to spend more to get it then they will win in the end. It sucks and it can make you mad but there is nothing you can do about it.


              KoishiiKitty wrote:

              lamortefille wrote:

              Yeah, we’ve been down this road before… 😉


              Was this before Nirvana was a forum member? she had a huge sniping rep. as I recall.Yep. And the folks were called out, apologized, and Nirvana was invited to (and subsequently joined) the forum. Another complaint against her was she was buying two of the same thing 😆


                This is from that thread…it made me laugh (since you are pushing 13000 now). 😉 😆

                skigod377 wrote:

                Dragon Master wrote:

                hey Ski you have 1966 for your posts that is the year I was born

                Holy crap, thats alot of talking… Must… keeep.. .mouth…. shut!!


                  lamortefille wrote:

                  This is from that thread…it made me laugh (since you are pushing 13000 now). 😉 😆

                  skigod377 wrote:

                  Dragon Master wrote:

                  hey Ski you have 1966 for your posts that is the year I was born

                  Holy crap, thats alot of talking… Must… keeep.. .mouth…. shut!!

                  I have been here a while… you gotta take that into account. I never noticed, either. It has always been DM who points out my loquaciousness.


                  skigod377 wrote:

                  Kyrin, I have never know you to act like this. you are being inconsiderate and nasty about an auction. No one should feel they have to back out of an auction for someone else. Its not fair to the seller. What about sellers like Windstone? If we all acted like this over their auctions, they would suffer. I seriously hope this is just temporary. You are not being very reasonable at all. 😕

                  Inconsiderate? If I were inconsiderate and nasty as you say, then I would have posted who it was, and then said a bunch of horrible things. All I said was that I felt their action was mean. I am entitled to how I feel.

                  No, no one should feel that they have to back out of an auction for someone else, but on the other hand, would it really hurt that much to let someone else have it? I’ve done it. Just because you can afford to outbid someone on something, doesn’t mean you should. As for the seller, if they weren’t willing to part with it for what the bid ends at, then they should have put the starting price higher.

                  As for Windstone, I am confident that they will always do well on their items, and that a bit of agreement among forum members assisting those of us with limited funds getting a few of those LE pieces would not seriously hurt their bottom line, since we would still be offering more than production price for those pieces regardless.

                  Reasonable, I’m reasonable most of the time, no one’s perfect, why should I have to be reasonable all the time? Like I said in my other thread on this subject, I don’t hold a grudge, I was just unhappy at the time and vented. Now you say I am being mean and nasty, just because I have feelings. Thanks a lot, I appreciate you making that clear. I will attempt to be without feelings from now on.

                  Kyrin, in training to be insensible.


                    skigod377 wrote:

                    lamortefille wrote:

                    This is from that thread…it made me laugh (since you are pushing 13000 now). 😉 😆

                    skigod377 wrote:

                    Dragon Master wrote:

                    hey Ski you have 1966 for your posts that is the year I was born

                    Holy crap, thats alot of talking… Must… keeep.. .mouth…. shut!!

                    I have been here a while… you gotta take that into account. I never noticed, either. It has always been DM who points out my loquaciousness.

                    Maybe I should have said “it made me giggle”. It wasn’t a dig or anything. 😳


                      lamortefille wrote:

                      skigod377 wrote:

                      lamortefille wrote:

                      This is from that thread…it made me laugh (since you are pushing 13000 now). 😉 😆

                      skigod377 wrote:

                      Dragon Master wrote:

                      hey Ski you have 1966 for your posts that is the year I was born

                      Holy crap, thats alot of talking… Must… keeep.. .mouth…. shut!!

                      I have been here a while… you gotta take that into account. I never noticed, either. It has always been DM who points out my loquaciousness.

                      Maybe I should have said “it made me giggle”. It wasn’t a dig or anything. 😳I didnt take it wrong 😉 The rest of this topic has me rolling my eyes so I am going to abandon it. I cannot understand some peoples reasoning… if you can even call it that.


                        Kyrin wrote:

                        skigod377 wrote:

                        Kyrin, I have never know you to act like this. you are being inconsiderate and nasty about an auction. No one should feel they have to back out of an auction for someone else. Its not fair to the seller. What about sellers like Windstone? If we all acted like this over their auctions, they would suffer. I seriously hope this is just temporary. You are not being very reasonable at all. 😕

                        Inconsiderate? If I were inconsiderate and nasty as you say, then I would have posted who it was, and then said a bunch of horrible things. All I said was that I felt their action was mean. I am entitled to how I feel.

                        No, no one should feel that they have to back out of an auction for someone else, but on the other hand, would it really hurt that much to let someone else have it? I’ve done it. Just because you can afford to outbid someone on something, doesn’t mean you should. As for the seller, if they weren’t willing to part with it for what the bid ends at, then they should have put the starting price higher.

                        As for Windstone, I am confident that they will always do well on their items, and that a bit of agreement among forum members assisting those of us with limited funds getting a few of those LE pieces would not seriously hurt their bottom line, since we would still be offering more than production price for those pieces regardless.

                        Reasonable, I’m reasonable most of the time, no one’s perfect, why should I have to be reasonable all the time? Like I said in my other thread on this subject, I don’t hold a grudge, I was just unhappy at the time and vented. Now you say I am being mean and nasty, just because I have feelings. Thanks a lot, I appreciate you making that clear. I will attempt to be without feelings from now on.

                        Kyrin, in training to be insensible. You apparently think coming on here and trying to persuade others to not bid on something so you pay less for it than anyone else and then calling people reprehensible when they fail to fall into your plans to be reasonable behavior. I do not. Tschuus.


                          Kyrin wrote:

                          The person who sniped him happened to be a forum member. I would have been less upset if it had been a complete stranger, but if this person had been paying attention, they would have known how much I wanted him, and I would like to think they would have left him to me.

                          Are you sure on this? I don’t recognize the eBay ID and the person has never changed their ID. Also the eBay ID has never been posted on the forum (I did a search to check).


                          In a way, I can understand Kyrin. The day I first found this forum, I also found the gallery page with all the rare and OOAK Windstones, and that day, my heart was lost, forever and ever, to the black and tan family.. in particular the male. THAT was the dragon of my dreams. I cannot TELL you how much I wanted that dragon, and seeing that it WAS the only one left, and prolly would never see auction honestly crushed me. To this day, I think I would KILL for that dragon… well, almost. 😀

                          When the family went to auction a few months back I lost my mind. I bid once… then again.. and THEN broke into my small retirement fund and took ALL I could and made the very largest bid I could possibly make.

                          Guess what? I still lost. And there will NEVER be another black and tan male– NEVER. Melody has said so.

                          And it was another forum member who did get the family.

                          Was I upset? Um, YEAH. See, Kirin, you might eventually get another sun dragon. I will never get a black and tan male. I think when I lost, I cried.

                          But then it hit me. I had put the very HIGHEST bid I could on that set, and hey, someone else bid more– did it mean I wanted it less, nope; we prolly wanted it the same. But they had more money to bid on it.

                          I congratulated the winner in the thread about the dragons, and meant it — I knew that person would give the family a wonderful home and love them as much as I would have. I had made the highest bid I could, so did they, and it happened they won. That’s life on eBay. 🙂

                          I know it hurts now, and I know you wanted that sun dragon, but when the time is right, you’ll get the sun dragon, trust me. The dragon for you is out there and you’ll get it. No, I’m not pollyanna– there are a LOT of them out there and so one will pop up eventually for you. Just don’t make your hurt at the loss make the person who won their dragon feel guilty.

                          It could be that person never saw this thread… or thought you meant another sun dragon — hell, there was no link. And I know I sometimes late night browse eBay and bid on things and NEVER NOTICE THE NAME OF THE HIGH BIDDER! All I see is the price and item…

                          I think what I’m saying is that while you might hurt, don’t make your envy turn into bad feelings for that person. They deserve the right to enjoy their purchase just as you would have, and you don’t want to lose what you yourself term a friend over a single purchase.


                          Sorry I have to agree with ski on this one, another forum member outbid me on something a year or so ago, by snipping, and I was upset but I never came here to bawl them out, it doesn’t belong one here IMO, keep this stuff to PM’s that is where it belongs.


                            This is exactly why I keep my eBay name to myself. I really like to bid in peace and not hurt anybody’s feelings. What people bid on and how they bid on them are their own business. Even if I don’t win, at least I know the pieces are going to somebody that really wants them.

                            Truthfully, life is too short to stay upset over issues like these.

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