Ok someone really needs to research

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      Most of the sellers told me they have been meaning to but haven’t done it yet (two of them said they will make it a “priority”). Afterwards, three of the sites did take the listing down.
      I’d just warn every buyer to call the website up beforehand if they are trying to get retired pieces, especially if they are adding non retired pieces into their shopping cart at the same time (since one of my suspicions is that some of these sites keep the listing of out of stock pieces up intentionally to get sales on other instock pieces).


        I cant see what is went for but I will l;ook when I get home… or some sweet forum member could inform me 😀


        it is at 187.50, and 7 hours to go


          lamortefille wrote:

          Has anyone besides me found that most people don’t update their websites and when you place an order, you end up finding out that they are really out of that item? 🙁 I won’t blacklist them, but I sure won’t order from them anymore.

          When I was looking for my White and Emerald ones I called everyplace to make sure they had the item and gave me a live confirmation. I HATE it when people do not update their web-sites


          It’s especially annoying when they claim to have big fancy pieces, like a peacock Riser I found for a great price and called about… Of course they didn’t have it anymore – and were rude about informing me of the fact. 🙁


            not up dating their web-sit is one thing but to get rude with someone that wants to buy the item you are advertising is totally CRAZY


            And I believe that if I went/called about ordering something I wanted from a site that wasn’t really in-stock I would have to get rude back if they did that to me…What goes around comes around. Atleast that is what Gramma always said! 😆


              I can’t believe people don’t keep their Web sites updated. I update mine every single time something changes. It doesn’t take long with the software I have. Maybe their software is more complicated. Sometimes companies have outsourced the Web site too, and making small changes costs too much. I don’t know. I’m just trying to understand it. If the internet is a big part of their sales (and I’m sure it is), why don’t they keep it accurate?


              I agree, emerald. And I do want to compliment you again on your website. The pictures are great and it’s neat to see exactly what’s available.


                Again, thanks! 😳 I actually love working on the Web site. It’s a nice creative project I feel justified in taking breaks to update while I’m working on my Master’s Thesis.


                  Lokie wrote:

                  Most of the sellers told me they have been meaning to but haven’t done it yet (two of them said they will make it a “priority”). Afterwards, three of the sites did take the listing down.
                  I’d just warn every buyer to call the website up beforehand if they are trying to get retired pieces, especially if they are adding non retired pieces into their shopping cart at the same time (since one of my suspicions is that some of these sites keep the listing of out of stock pieces up intentionally to get sales on other instock pieces).

                  That doesn’t work with me. I don’t go for bait and switch. 👿 If they have the nerve to be rude to you, they don’t deserve your business. I’ll stick with the places that have good customer service and updated pages. If you don’t make it easy for me to shop online, I will go elsewhere – I hate calling places!


                    I would rather call and make sure they have the piece then pay for something I was really wanting and getting an e-mail a few days later telling me they do not have the piece in stock


                      I just email them before I bother placing an order. If they have it, fine; if not, I keep looking.


                        they could have it but sell it before they check their e-mail. If it takes them that long to update their website stock I would have to imagine they do not check their e-mail that often either


                          Still, it takes an awful lot to get me to pick up a phone anymore. lol I admit it, I’m weird.

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