
Ok so the wedding wasn't so bad

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      Everyone looks so nice!!! I’m glad you had a good time after all. πŸ™‚


      I am too! I’m glad it was well done! Your brother looks so happy! And don’t be so humble, you look good too!


      I am glad that everything turned out so well!! Congrats to the bride and groom (they look very happy)!! And you guys looked great too! I love Alyssa’s headband! And I hope it pissed your (evil) mom off that everyone loved Alyssa!!


      PD, I can relate to some degree; my mom made no bones about the fact that I was an “accident” while she’d planned on my brother. She’d told me to my face that he was her favorite, too. On the day my husband and I were married, as I was changing out of my gown, she asked me if I thought he and I would have kids. I replied No, wasn’t planning on it. She sniffed, and said Oh these things have a way of changing. If you have kids, don’t ask me to babysit. I did my thing, and raised you and your brother. Now I’m off to do some traveling. I looked her in the eye and said Bon Voyage. Don’t bother to send a postcard. πŸ˜›
      A few years later, my brother married his childhood sweetheart. And guess what? They came back from their honeymoon pregnant. Anyone wanna guess what my mother’s reaction was? She went into Grandma Hyperspace. I swear, she was buying stuff for that baby before anyone even knew what gender it was. And offering to babysit.
      There were other things, as well.
      But you had a good time at your brother’s wedding, and it doesn’t sound as though he thinks like your mother. You were there for him, and you had a good time.
      Life is far too short to spend too much time on things we regret. All families are screwed up to a degree. Some are just more whacko than others. πŸ˜‰


        I’m glad you went and had a goodtime! The heck with your mother….good for you ignoring her. πŸ˜€


          lamortefille wrote:

          I’m glad you went and had a goodtime! The heck with your mother….good for you ignoring her. πŸ˜€

          Ditto that! (and your brother & his bride are just too cute, ‘course I think Alyssa steals the show πŸ˜€ )

          twindragonsmum πŸ˜€


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