OK, I like unicorns and all. But…

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      skigod377 wrote:

      I think that looks pretty neat. That last one looks a little NC-17, but other than that, pretty cool.

      edited: 😳 wrong thread. 😆 NC-17 is right!


      Now this is interesting. I thought this kinda stuff was illegal… 😆 Besides, we all know that this guy and his unicorns are all headed for a spot on Ripley’s believe it or not show. I’ll be sure to record that episode!

      My most wanted list: carnelian mouse wizard, copper patina frog wizard, autumn leaf poads, pumpkin spice kitties


        skigod377 wrote:

        I think that looks pretty neat. That last one looks a little NC-17, but other than that, pretty cool.

        I’m so glad I’m not the only one with a messed up view 😉

        I’ve read of this being done with bulls.
        I doubt this hurts the animals, but recreating herds of them and (especially!) dressing like Dumbledalf is… I prefer the guy convinced he was a werewolf…


          I’m just surprised he developed the method and owns a patent for making natural “unicorn” horns. I really hope it doesn’t hurt the animals…


            Lokie wrote:

            I’m just surprised he developed the method and owns a patent for making natural “unicorn” horns. I really hope it doesn’t hurt the animals…

            He didnt quite develope it, I believe it was done on bulls before. And the method must hurt whilest done (surgery with sawing?) but I doubt it hurts lateron.


              Akeyla wrote:

              Lokie wrote:

              I’m just surprised he developed the method and owns a patent for making natural “unicorn” horns. I really hope it doesn’t hurt the animals…

              He didnt quite develope it, I believe it was done on bulls before. And the method must hurt whilest done (surgery with sawing?) but I doubt it hurts lateron.

              Thank you for the information, Akeyla. Now I’m cringing thinking of the saw 😆 Hmm… I’m intrigued wondering what the single horned bulls look like.


              Actually, those goats are real. Thats why some ppl say in modern day that the unicorn does still exist. Im forgetting the actual species of goat, but no alteration was done to them- at least not the ones Ive seen. But, they havent been circus or side show goats either.

              But yes, the one horned goat is legit.


                I haven’t heard of 1 horned goats…
                These goats are normal angora hybrids that were surgically altered to have one horn.
                I’ve seen 4 horned rams, but never a naturally occuring 1 horned goat.


                All I’ve got to say is “crackpot” and “poor goats.”


                I remember watching a special on Animal Planet, TLC or Discovery Channel about the one horned goats I speak of. They were in very mountainous rocky terrain and could scale rocks like they had glue feet. The cutest ones were the tiny little babies they had with them with their little numb of a horn just starting to show. They were always white, except after a major hunt or scuffle; then they were dirty.

                Now these goats, obviously, have never been caught, let alone been surgically altered or experimented on. I forget which country they are native too. Saw this special several years ago and read several legitimate articles and one book (blanking on name) about them. Did all this only cause Im obsessed with Unicorns and the thought if theres a one horned beast out there was neat.


                  Um, I googled. I think they were pulling your leg.
                  Could it have been a show like the Animal Planet put on about the dragons? Or something they did for April Fools Day. Our new stations put a report on that showed how pasta was harvested from trees. My mom believed it 😳

                  I can’t think of an animal that only has one horn/antler. Unless one got broken off. I’m sick so my thinking is slow. I’ll think somemore after the dayquil kicks in.


                  Well, besides rhinos, which do come in one horned verieties. There are references to one horned eland, apparently there are animals that are born with one horn. Nobody has pictures (conveinient) exect for goats that have lost one horn. 🙄

                  Taken from Heraldic America: The Unicorn in Canada

                  We know today that it is possible to create a form of artificial unicorn. Apparently some African cattlemen have long ago mastered the art of training the horns of their bulls so that they joined and twisted together as one making them excellent defenders of the herd. In 1933, an American doctor created a similar creature by implanting side by side the horn buds of a calf which developed as one horn.

                  This is what that guy did with these goats. See it’s even here just look at the artificial unicorn:

                  More interesting to me is this six horned goat:


                    Yeah, there is a one-horned rhino isn’t there.
                    I was thinking more of the deer/antelope family.
                    I thought Elands had two horns.

                    Do all horned animals have cloven hooves? Rhinos have toes, but are they considered hooved?
                    What fun!


                      just for fun. I cannot say wheter it is real, I’d have to see it closeup:



                      Phoenix wrote:

                      Yeah, there is a one-horned rhino isn’t there.
                      I was thinking more of the deer/antelope family.
                      I thought Elands had two horns.

                      Do all horned animals have cloven hooves? Rhinos have toes, but are they considered hooved?
                      What fun!

                      Um, I don’t think rhinos have hooves. Elands do have two horns but, there have been one horned elands.

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