Oh Ski!!! Lookie Loo!!!

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone Oh Ski!!! Lookie Loo!!!

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      I think she couldn’t quite decide if she was Silver Dapple or Chestnut… but I still like how she turned out. πŸ˜€

      LMK what you think! Same goes for everyone else!

      I’d post pics of my swap piece… that I FINALLY mailed out the other day… but I shan’t spoil it for my pooor Swapee! I hope she likes my little “package” 😈



          oh she looks lovely!!


          She’s really pretty, I like the color you chose for her mane and tail beads, and the snip on her nose, how it isn’t quite centered.

          You did a wonderful job with the coat details, she looks very real.



            Yeah, she looks so sweet!

            Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
            I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


            Nice coloring! I bet Ski will love her.


            Very nice! I like her! πŸ™‚


              Oh wow! I do love her! I Love the pink in the mane, the white on the face, the shading, the white feet, and the mane and tail are killer! Wonderful job!!! I am quite certain I got the better end of this deal! Thank you so much!


              I love the colors of her. It reminds me of a chocholate sundae.


                skigod377 wrote:

                Oh wow! I do love her! I Love the pink in the mane, the white on the face, the shading, the white feet, and the mane and tail are killer! Wonderful job!!! I am quite certain I got the better end of this deal! Thank you so much!

                πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

                No thank you!! I really appreciate it! You helped get me out of a tight spot! ^.^ And I had so much fun doing it!

                Thanks everyone! I’m glad you like her! She was so much fun to paint. ^.^

                I just love it when you’ve been working on them for a few days and suddenly you hit a layer and… BOOM they tell you they’re done. ^.^ Time for details!

                I have two more in the works… Romeodanny in Palomino I think… (as long as she cooperates!) and one in an equine color called Champagne! I think it will fit the Unicorn well! Already she’s looknig nice.

                The Champagne one will be for sale. ^.^ Unless I fall in love… 😈

                Then I’ll move on into a commission (as long as I receive her M/O…) and possible another SPECIAL project! 😈


                ladybrooklyn wrote:

                skigod377 wrote:

                Oh wow! I do love her! I Love the pink in the mane, the white on the face, the shading, the white feet, and the mane and tail are killer! Wonderful job!!! I am quite certain I got the better end of this deal! Thank you so much!

                πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

                No thank you!! I really appreciate it! You helped get me out of a tight spot! ^.^ And I had so much fun doing it!

                Thanks everyone! I’m glad you like her! She was so much fun to paint. ^.^

                I just love it when you’ve been working on them for a few days and suddenly you hit a layer and… BOOM they tell you they’re done. ^.^ Time for details!

                I have two more in the works… Romeodanny in Palomino I think… (as long as she cooperates!) and one in an equine color called Champagne! I think it will fit the Unicorn well! Already she’s looknig nice.

                The Champagne one will be for sale. ^.^ Unless I fall in love… 😈

                Then I’ll move on into a commission (as long as I receive her M/O…) and possible another SPECIAL project! 😈
                lol…I know you mean as long as the unicorn cooperates, but I thought it was kinda funny if you meant Romeodanny. πŸ˜†


                  dragonessjade wrote:

                  lol…I know you mean as long as the unicorn cooperates, but I thought it was kinda funny if you meant Romeodanny. πŸ˜†

                  πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

                  Naw… Romeodanny is awesome! πŸ˜†

                  I’ve just been having so many problems with lifting and crap on my PYOs! I dunno why the paint/pastels/basecoat/sealer are lifting… cracking… etc…it’s FRUSTRATING…

                  So far I’ve been able to overcome it… but I want it to stop!

                  I’m hoping it has… or that my new can of basecoat will help…

                  The real test will come with Romeo’s Unicorn! πŸ˜†


                  ladybrooklyn wrote:

                  dragonessjade wrote:

                  lol…I know you mean as long as the unicorn cooperates, but I thought it was kinda funny if you meant Romeodanny. πŸ˜†

                  πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

                  Naw… Romeodanny is awesome! πŸ˜†

                  I’ve just been having so many problems with lifting and crap on my PYOs! I dunno why the paint/pastels/basecoat/sealer are lifting… cracking… etc…it’s FRUSTRATING…

                  So far I’ve been able to overcome it… but I want it to stop!

                  I’m hoping it has… or that my new can of basecoat will help…

                  The real test will come with Romeo’s Unicorn! πŸ˜†
                  Yeah, I know she is awesome that is why I thought it was funny. I hope you find out what the problem is and that you are able to make it stop.


                    Me, too! I cant wait to see the next ones. Esp the champange. I am curious about that. πŸ™‚


                      skigod377 wrote:

                      Me, too! I cant wait to see the next ones. Esp the champange. I am curious about that. πŸ™‚

                      Ok Ski… picture this color…



                      I just can’t decide if I’m going to add the “mottling” to her muzzle or not… πŸ˜€

                      This guy is the COOLEST guy EVER…


                      One day I’ll be brave enough to try reverse dapples…

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