Oh my workplace just TOPS IT ALL!!

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    Okay, so those of you back in the day when I posted a lot know quite a bit about my company and how much I hate them. This is mostly due to HR’s inattention to morality issues brought to their attention (by yours truly of course) in my office and I guess since HR is THOUSANDS OF MILES AWAY from my office they don’t care.

    So here’s the story: I have a 4 year old son named Kyle, he is positively the light of my life and I love him so very dearly. On 8/7, after noticing Kyle had been vomiting, complained of headaches, and was losing his balance more times than I was comfortable with we had a CT scan done and we found out he had a brain tumor 1/3rd the size of his brain! (Ski, don’t cry but I can bet you know how devastated I felt because you know how much I love my little boy). Rest assured, he received the best medical care, the tumor was in the 2nd ideal operable location in his brain, it had been such and extremely slow growing tumor that the brain had actually accommodated the size AND as an added bonus it was surrounded by fluid filled cysts that had mostly padded it and pushed it away from the brain tissue. It was a Type 1 which means pretty much benign and low likelihood of reoccurring. Kyle is perfectly back to himself except he is still physically healing. Thank God!

    So, onward with how MUCH my work sucks- I immediately tell my workplace. They deny my FMLA because we have 48 people in our office, not 50. They denied me short term disability because it wasn’t me who was affected. The only thing they HAVE done for me is allowed me to borrow 2 weeks vacation from next year to use in my time of crisis (which they will probably fire me by the end of the year and comp my last paycheck to cover those expenses) and they agreed to keep my job for me until 10/7 as well as not cutting off my benefits because I am completely our of sick and vacation time. I requested on 8/14 to work from home, that is “awaiting Executive Leadership Team approval” since 8/16. These people F**KING SUCK and I swear to God I now understand why one day a normal person cracks and walks into their workplace and mows down certain people with little to no remorse. I mean REALLY- an employee’s child has a brain tumor and they have to stay home with their child through the healing process and you are so ruthless and cold and amoral that you deny them any sort of relief whatsoever- what kind of people LET THAT HAPPEN?!

    Anyways, that’s my rant- every time I think of the worst thing a company can do to their employees I SEE IT HAPPEN to me at my workplace…that’s what you get for being a whistle-blower. Absolute treachery.



      😯 I had no idea!

      I’m glad it was operable and that he is doing better! Please keep us updated.

      As for your work they sound like a complete waste of time to me. I would recommend looking for a new job in your spare time. (if you have any spare time that is. 🙂 ) I can recommend the website indeed.com. It is a search engine that searches for jobs on all the popular job sites and quite a few hidden ones.

      While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


      OMG Cheryl that is horrible, I am so sorry that your company sucks balls, I am very glad your little man is getting better though. I have an 8 year old boy and I can understand what you are going through.


      That’s really scary! I’m glad that things turned out OK and Kyle is recovering now.

      This latest thing with your workplace seems consistent with what you told us before. That place is definitely not a good environment, and you should just stick to your plan of getting another job. Had you made any progress on that front prior to this crisis coming up?


        OMG that totally caught me by surprise, but I only teared up… I didnt cry…mostly because its over now and he is getter. Geez…. how stressful.

        Cheryl… I hate your work. I really wish you could find another job today and tell them to bugger off. I hate when a bunch of immoral jerks band together against people. Any chance you could find another job?


        Oh, that is awful. I am glad Kyle is recovering, sorry your company is such a pain in the tail.

        Hope things improve, I would definately seek other employment if I could.



          Cheryl, give big hugs and kisses to Kyle from all of us. My mouth dropped as I read. I’m so glad he’s ok. How’s he holding up? At that age, sometimes they understand, sometimes they don’t.

          Quit your job. Screw them. It’s not worth the stress.

          I work for a company that is very flexible, especially in cases like these. I can work from home anytime I want, so such companies do exist! Good luck on that front and take care!

          Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
          I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


          I know such companies exist- my husband works for one! Blake was at the hospital for 7 days with us and his HR director stopped by his desk one afternoon when his boss was there and his boss said “about that time you had to be gone- don’t worry about it, you don’t have to report it” and the HR director said “Whew, I’m so glad you said that, we were already looking the other way!” They’ve been so incredibly supportive, the VP of his office told me “We’re looking into the legality of what your company has done and if we find anything we’ll let you know, if you need to be referred to a lawyer about any of this please call Mary (HR director) and let her know, we’ll recommend a lawyer to you.”

          As to quitting my job, now I cannot leave until December because there cannot be any lapse in coverage for Kyle or his future MRIs etc will be considered pre-existing and not covered by the next insurance company (since he’s on mine), I can’t afford that so we are waiting until December when Blake has open enrollment and after December, Jan 15 (to cover the vacation time I took) is when I can get a new job. Otherwise my company has to fire me (which I am sure they will be delighted to do)- if they fire me it is a qualifying life event and as of that day we are on Blake’s insurance. But not if I switch jobs.

          Prior to this I only had a couple of interviews mostly because I wasn’t looking as hard. …Ya, as of January I’m all over that! I’m also taking a Geology class so I can increase my GPA to become a school teacher or have a firmer Geology background in addition to Biology so I can be more marketable to Environmental companies- I want to be the one who goes out into the environment and takes water and ground samples for research, I’d love it!

          As to Kyle he knew he went to the hospital and now he is eternally afraid of needles (3 attempted and failed IVs- that was hard on me too while he screamed “Please stop that!!”) and he starts to cry if you mention they will need to take blood but we didn’t tell him what exactly was happening to him, just that the doctor made it so he doesn’t have headaches anymore and they will keep taking pictures of his head.

          Honestly though, the hospital worked so fast- it was a whirlwind of action on their part- we did not catch this early we merely had the benefit that it was very slow growing- the balance issues “tipped” us off (punny) so thankfully we were observant of our child’s changing behavior- it wasn’t even so much the tumor causing his problems, the tumor was merely blocking the natural fluid exchange between the brain and spinal cord. That caused the headaches. But thankfully he is okay and back to normal he just has to heal from having his skull opened up.

          As to my work- I can only hope either a) Karma exists and they get theirs fully in the face in the end or b) there’s a heaven these kind of amoral people will never see.

          I’d be happy with either- but I like the idea that they can rot in Hell personally.


          I’m glad to hear the tumor was benign and has been taken care of. Poor Kyle. As for you, all the best with your job. I hope your next one is much more satisfactory. All the best.


            that’s how the ahem….horse place was…..

            when my mom was sick…they wouldn’t let me take off to take her to the dyalasis (sp) place….I had to rearrange all my lunches to take her…

            and when she passed….the funeral was on Friday….and they said…ok see you on Monday….

            and I was not allowed help on any of the work they piled up….(they had put in overtime and piled my desk to where I couldn’t even get to it)

            and then they wrote me up 3 days later and said I wasn’t working…..


            I hope everything works out Cheryl….


              OMG, Cheryl! I’m so sorry you have to go through all this. I’m happy that the surgery went okay, and he’s recovering well. Your job sucks. But stick it out until you can switch. There are better places out there.


              Wow, there are some positively awful companies out there and they are ALLOWED to behave in this fashion. It’s so unethical IMO.


                CherylKaufman wrote:

                Wow, there are some positively awful companies out there and they are ALLOWED to behave in this fashion. It’s so unethical IMO.

                oh yeah…and there’s not really much you can do about it..


                  Grrrrrrrrr…… 👿 Not much else to be said, just grrrrrrrrr…… 👿

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